Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/198

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Clay's House, 5 P. M., 17th June, 1864.

General G. T. Beauregard,
Petersburg, Va.:
At 4 P. M. was compelled to assault center of our former line held by enemy. We now hold entire line from Hewlett's to Dunn's Mill. All prisoners from Tenth corps.

R. E. Lee, General.

Official: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G.

Hd. Qrs. Drewry's Bluff, 10 P. M., 17th June, 1864.

General G. T. Beauregard,
Petersburg, Va.:
General Kershaw's division, which will camp to-night on Redwater creek, is ordered to continue its march to-morrow to Petersburg.

R. E. Lee, General.

Official: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G.

Superintendent Richmond and Petersburg Railroad,
Richmond, Va.:

Please notify me when railroad is again in running order.

R. E. Lee, General.

Hd. Qrs. Drewry's Bluff, 10 P. M., 17th June, 1864.

Lieutenant-General Hill,
Riddel's Shop via Meadow station, Y. R. R. R'd:
Move your command promptly at 3 A. M. to-morrow for Chaffin's Bluff. Cross the river and move to the Petersburg turnpike. There await further orders. Send to examine about bridges.

R. E. Lee, General.

Official: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G.

Hd. Qrs. Army N. Va., June 18th, 1864.

General Wade Hampton,
Vernon Church via Hanover Junction:
If Sheridan escapes you and gets to his transports at the White House, you must loose no time in moving your command to our right near Petersburg. Keep yourself thoroughly advised of his movements and intentions as far as practicable.

R. E. Lee, General.