Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/210

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Not having access at present to the reports of brigade commanders, or of their subordinates, it is not in my power to state accurately the casualties in the division on this day at Jonesboro', though I am confident they will be found to exceed five hundred in killed, wounded, and missing. Some idea of the severity of the engagement may be formed by comparing this list with the number carried into action, which, I am confident, did not greatly exceed two thousand. The same want of official reports which prevents me from giving accurately the list of casualties in the division also precludes me from embracing in this report the names of the many gallant officers who fell on the occasion. For these I must refer to the reports of brigade and regimental commanders, where doubtless the names, conduct, and example of the dead are recorded in befitting terms.

A deep sense of the obligation I am personally under to the four brigade commanders above named, renders it no less my duty than a pleasure to express my thanks for their cheerful and cordial cooperation and assistance on all occasions, whether in the trenches, on the march, or upon the battle-field. To them and their subordinate commanders is due whatever of spirit, discipline, and efficiency the division can boast.

To the staff, also, without exception, my thanks are due for that constant, intelligent, and efficient discharge of their respective duties which marked their conduct throughout the whole time of our official association. In the list of those who have thus performed well their parts are the names of Captain William G. Barth, A. A. G.; Captain E. F. Travis, A. A. G. and A. I. G.; Lieutenant W. M. Davidson, Aide-de-Camp; Major Hill, Acting Division Quartermaster; Captain P. Eggleston, Chief Commissary Subsistence for the Division; Private Simon Mayer, A. A. A. G.; and D. A. Kincheloe, Chief Surgeon of the Division. To the latter, as well as to Assistant Surgeon Lundy, I am personally much indebted for attentive and skillful treatment on the field and elsewhere.

I am, Major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Patton Anderson, Major-General.

Major J. W. Ratchford, Assistant Adjutant-General,
Lee's Corps, Army of Tennessee.