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The Capture of Jefferson Davis.

day by President Davis, while seated in St. Paul's church, Richmond.

The statement immediately following, that he did not receive this dispatch "with self-possession or dignity," but that be left the house "with tremulous and nervous haste, like a weak man in the hour of misfortune," is that which I have classified as one perhaps not capable of being tested by positive proof; and this not from any doubt as to its entire untruth, but on account of the subjective character of the only evidence that can be applied to it. Two observers, the one self-possessed and impartial, the other, either frightened himself, or imbued with the malignant spirit that seems to animate the pen of General Wilson, might form very different estimates of the demeanor of the object of their observation. General Wilson does not profess to have been a witness of what he describes, nor does he give the name of his informant, although his account is directly contrary to all the statements of actual witnesses that have heretofore been generally received. Whatever other accusations may be entertained, no one familiar with the character and history of Jefferson Davis, whether honest friend or candid foe, will believe that he ever exhibited weakness or lack of self-possession in time of peril or calamity.

Let us hurry on, however, to an examination of the positive patent falsehoods in respect of matter of fact, contained in Gen. Wilson's first paragraph. [I am very desirous of avoiding hard words, but really know no euphemism for falsehood at all applicable to this case.]

1st. "He left the house of worship and hurried home."

President Davis did not hurry home at all. On the contrary, he went to the executive office, which was not in the same part of the city with his home, and there called a meeting of his Cabinet, which continued in session for several hours. At this session there was no hurry or confusion. On the contrary, the calmness with which the grave questions under consideration were discussed by the principal member of the council, and his apparent indifference to his personal safety and private interests, were subjects of remark by others present. He did not go to his home until late in the afternoon.

2nd. "He and his more resolute wife spent the rest of the day in packing their personal baggage," &c.