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Vol. V.
Richmond, Va., May, 1878.
No. 5.


We purpose publishing during this year a number of reports and other papers concerning the operations of our western armies; and we feel sure that our readers will thank us for presenting the following reports of the battle of Murfreesboro' by the lamented Breckinridge and the gallant General Gibson:

Report of General J. C. Breckinridge.

Headquarters Breckinridge's Division,
January ——, 1863.

Major T. B. Roy, A. A. Gen.:
Sir: I have the honor to report the operations of this division of Lieutenant-General Hardee's corps in the recent battles of Stone River in front of Murfreesboro'.

The character and course of Stone river and the nature of the ground in front of the town are well known, and as the report of the General Commanding will no doubt be accompanied by a sketch, it is not necessary to describe them here.

On the morning of Sunday the 28th of December, the brigades moved from their encampments and took up line of battle about one and a half miles from Murfreesboro' in the following order: Adams' brigade on the right, with its right resting on the Lebanon road and its left extending towards the ford over Stone river a short distance below the destroyed bridge on the Nashville turnpike; Preston on the left of Adams; Palmer on the left of Preston, and Hanson forming the left of the line, with his left resting on the right bank of the river near the ford. The right of Major-General Withers of Lieutenant-General Polk's corps, rested near the left bank of the river and slightly in advance of Hanson's left.

Brigadier-General Jackson having reported to me with his command, was placed, by the direction of the Lieutenant-General Commanding, upon the east side of the Lebanon road, on commanding ground, a little in advance of the right of Brigadier-General Adams.