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Southern Historical Society Papers.

every inch of ground against the enemy's mounted and dismounted cavalry, thereby enabling us to effect a crossing without the brigade's being engaged. Lieutenant Crowell's command was the last organized body to cross the bridge.

Our loss in bringing up the rear was six (6) wounded and thirty-eight (38) missing. Our entire loss in the "trans-Potomac" campaign was seven hundred and thirty-one (731).

Colonel Avery, of the Thirty-third, who continued at his post after he had been bruised by a shell, refrains from making special allusion to any one of his command, as they all gallantly discharged their duties.

Colonel Barbour, of the Thirty-seventh, refers to his heavy loss as sufficient evidence of the gallantry of his command. The loss of such officers as Lieutenants Doherty, Royster, Jno. P. Elms, and W. N. Michle, who nobly discharged their duties, will be seriously felt.

Colonel Barry, of the Eighteenth, is proud of his command, which acted throughout the campaign in a manner satisfactory to him and creditable to themselves.

Colonel Lowe, of the Twenty-eight, was wounded and had to leave, but Lieutenant-Colonel Speer speaks in high terms of the bravery of his officers and men during the whole of that desperate and hard-fought battle. He alludes to Adjutant R. S. Folger as having acted with great gallantry throughout the engagement, and also to Captains Linebarger, Morrow, Randle and Smith, and Lieutenant Thompson, who were wounded while gallantly leading their companies to the charge.

Captain Turner, commanding the Seventh, was wounded in front of his command, while gallantly leading it forward, and was left on the field. Captain Harris then assumed command, and is well pleased with the gallant bearing of the old Seventh, which was surpassed by none.

My aid, Lieutenant Oscar Lane, and my two couriers, Geo. E. Barringer and A. R. Joyce, privates from the Twenty-eighth, were very efficient, both on the march and in action, and again bore themselves well under fire.


James H. Lane, Brig.-General.

Major Jos. A. Engelhard,
Assist.-Adjutant-General Pender's Light Division.