Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 07.djvu/421

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Gettysburg Campaign—Report of General Stuart.

that we were just at their heels. Here, for the first time since leaving Rector's cross-roads, we obtained a full supply of forage, but the delay and difficulty of procuring it kept many of the men up all night. Several flags and one piece of artillery, without a carriage, were captured here; the latter was spiked and left behind. We camped for the night a few miles beyond the town (Fitz. Lee's brigade in advance), halting the head of the column at Union Mills, midway between Westminister and Littlestown, on the Gettysburg road. It was ascertained here that night by scouts that the enemy's cavalry had reached Littlestown during the night and camped. Early next morning (June 30th) we resumed the march, direct by a cross route for Hanover, Pennsylvania—W. H. F. Lee's brigade in advance, Hampton in rear of the wagon train, and Fitz. Lee's brigade moving on the left flank between Littlestown and our road. About 10 A. M. the head of the column reached Hanover, and found a large column of cavalry passing through, going towards the gap of the mountains which I intended using. The enemy soon discovered our approach, and made a demonstration towards attacking us, which was promptly met by a gallant charge by Chambliss' leading regiment, which not only repulsed the enemy, but drove him pell-mell through the town with half his numbers, capturing his ambulances and a large number of prisoners—all which were brought safely through to our train, but were closely followed by the enemy's fresh troops. If my command had been well closed now, this cavalry column, which we had struck near its rear, would have been at our mercy; but owing to the great elongation of the column, by reason of the two hundred wagons and hilly roads, Hampton was a long way behind, and Lee was not yet heard from on the left. In retiring with the prisoners and ambulances, Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Payne, Fourth Virginia cavalry, temporarily in command of the Second North Carolina cavalry, was taken prisoner in a gallant attempt to cut off a body of the enemy by a flank movement on the town. The delay in getting up reinforcements enabled the enemy to regain possession of the town, by no means desirable to hold, as it was in a valley completely commanded by the heights in our possession, which were soon crowned by our artillery. Our position was impregnable to cavalry, even with so small a force. We cut the enemy's column in twain. General Fitz. Lee, in the meantime, fell upon the rear portion, driving it handsomely and capturing one of Kilpatrick's staff, and many other prisoners.