Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/135

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Sixty-nine Federals Captured by Seven Confederates.

one realized the perilous position he and his comrades occupied. Hays at once, in a ringing tone, demanded an immediate surrender, saying that a regiment of John Morgan's cavalry was near at hand (it was one-quarter of a mile distant), and that if a shot was fired not a Federal should escape alive. The officer—a lieutenant—seemed bewildered to think that seven men should ride boldly into sixty-nine of his men and make such a demand, and especially when not more than five hundred yards away the entire Federal army was drawn up as if ready to march, their guns and arms glistening in the bright October sun, then just rising over the eastern hills. But the manner in which the demand was made, the bearing of each of the Confederates—each ready to "kill his man" at the word fire—together with the magical name of Morgan, combined to and did save them. The officer at once surrendered his sword to Jones who happened to be immediately in his front with his gun drawn on him and Hays at once placed the prisoners in position and ordered a double-quick back to the regiment. As the march began a Federal infantry regiment was rapidly advancing to the rescue of their picket comrades, but a turn in the road hid them from view, and they did not follow farther. The sight was a novel one, even for war times—seven Confederates driving sixty-nine armed Federals before them as prisoners. Duke, with a company was soon met, coming to ascertain the situation of his little squad. He was profuse in his compliments to his men for their achievement. The Federals were Michiganders, and the lieutenant's name was Clarke. In his history of "Morgan and his Men," Duke briefly refers to the affair, but does not give the names of the participants. He uses this language: "This exploit was, perhaps, never paralleled during the war." The facts were reported to General Morgan, and each of the seven men—privates at that time—were soon afterwards commissioned as officers for "gallantry." These gallant troopers deserve to have their names enrolled in the future history of the mighty struggle.

J. H. Carter,
Late Captain in Morgan's Command.