Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/483

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Cleburne at Missionary Ridge.

effectives, was to confront a flushed and victorious enemy and do battle for the safety of the army.

Taylor's Ridge rises abruptly about a mile east of the town of Ringgold, and is divided by a gap of just sufficient width for the passage of the railroad, a county road, and a large branch of Chickamauga creek. This creek, in its windings, was bridged at three points within a few hundred yards of the rear or east mouth of the gap, thus rendering the position hazardous in case of the turning of either flank. The ridge on the right of the gap facing the town rises gradually, while on the left it is abrupt and precipitous. Here was placed the 16th Alabama, of Lowry's brigade, Major T. A. Ashford commanding, to protect the left flank, while in front of the hill facing Ringgold were posted three companies of the 6th and 7th Arkansas, of Liddell's brigade, under charge of Lieut. Dulin, of Liddell's staff.

In and across the mouth of the gap was located the remainder of the Arkansas brigade, commanded by Col. D. C. Govan, consisting of the 5th and 13th Arkansas, consolidated, under Col. J. E. Murray; the 8th and 19th Arkansas, consolidated, under Lieut. Col. A. S. Hutchinson; the 6th and 7th Arkansas, consolidated, under Lieut. Col. Peter Snyder, and the 2d, 15th, and 24th Arkansas, consolidated, under Col. E. Warfield. From the brigade skirmishers were thrown forward into a patch of woods in front of the gap. Connecting with Govan's right were posted two regiments of Smith's Texas brigade, Col. H. B. Granbury commanding; the 6th, 10th, and 15th Texas, consolidated, under Captain John R. Rennard on the left; and the 17th, 18th, 24th, and 25th Texas, consolidated, under Major W. A. Taylor, on the right. The other regiments of this brigade, the 7th Texas, Capt. C. E. Tally commanding, was posted on the crest of the hill to guard the right flank of the brigade at its base. The 32d and 45th Mississippi regiments, consolidated, under Col. A. B. Hardcastle; the 33d Alabama, Col. Sam'l Adams, and the 45th Alabama, under Lieut. Col. H. D. Lampley, which constituted the remainder of Lowry's brigade, were held in reserve in the centre of the gap.

Only a portion of Polk's brigade was with the division, and this, consisting of the 1st Arkansas, Col. J. W. Colquitt; the 2d Tennessee, Col. W. A. Robinson; and the 3d and 5th Confederate, consolidated, under Lieut. Col. J. C. Cole, was placed at the rear or eastern outlet of the gap. At the mouth of the gap, on Govan's line, was posted a section of Semple's Alabama battery, two Napoleon guns, under command of Lieut. Goldthwaite. These guns were charged, one with cannister, the other with shell, and masked with bushes. All of the