Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/82

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

very difficult to form the regiment in line of battle, which, together with the destructive fire of the enemy, threw it into considerable confusion, thereby rendering it inefficient for a short time, until order could be restored. During the rest of the engagement it behaved very well.

On Monday evening, the 30th instant, my regiment, with the other regiments of your command, charged the strong position occupied by the enemy's artillery and infantry. Throughout this engagement my command behaved with great gallantry, driving the enemy before them with great loss.

On Tuesday evening the regiment was again under arms and under fire, but was not engaged. All the officers of my command behaved well, except those whose names have been reported to General Hill under previous orders. I take pleasure in mentioning specially Captain Melton, who remained with his company during these trying scenes, although more than sixty years old and worn out by exposure and fatigue. In the action Monday evening, Colonel Lee was killed, while gallantly leading the regiment into action. He was a brave, experienced officer, and a pure man. His loss will be severely felt.

Lieutenant Isham Hartjoy was mortally wounded on Friday evening and has since died. He was an excellent officer, and a brave, true man. My total loss is one hundred and thirty-eight killed and wounded. A number of the wounded have died since the action. A list of killed and wounded has been heretofore forwarded to you.

Respectfully submitted,

William M. Barbour,
Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Thirty-seventh Regiment, N. C. T.


Headquarters Seventh Regiment,
North Carolina Troops
, July 10, 1862.

Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch, Fourth Brigade, Light Division:

General—In consequence of the fall of that gallant soldier and generous gentleman, Colonel R. P. Campbell, late the commanding officer of this regiment, who was slain in the fight near Gaines' mill on the 27th ultimo, it becomes my duty, as second in command of this regiment, to report to you the proceedings of my troops in the recent battles before Richmond. His (Colonel Camp-