Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/146

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136 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Though the enemy has been repulsed in his naval attacks, his land forces, reported as ten thousand strong, are still off the coast waiting an opportunity to land.

" The Major-General calls on every man able to bear arms to bring his guns or arms, no matter of what kind, and be prepared to make a sturdy resistance to the foe.

" Major-General J. B. Magruder.

" Edmujid P. Turner, Assistant Adjutant-General."

The Daily Post, of Houston, Texas, of August 22, 1880, has the following :

" A few days after the battle each man that participated in the fight was presented with a silver medal inscribed as follows : On one side ' D. G.,' for the Davis Guards, and on the reverse side, ' Sabine Pass, September 8, 1863.'

" Captain Odium and Lieutenant R. W. Dowling have gone to that bourne whence no traveler returns, and but few members of the heroic band are in the land of the living, and those few reside in the city of Houston, and often meet together and talk about the batde in which they participated on the memorable 8th of September, 1863.

" The following are the names of the company who manned the guns in Fort Grigsby, and to whom the credit is due for the glorious victory :

" Lieutenants R. W. Dowling and N. H, Smith ; Privates Timothy McDonough, Thomas Dougherty, David Fitzgerald, Michael Mona- han, John Hassett, John McKeefer, Jack W. White, Patrick McDon- nell. William Gleason, Michael Carr, Thomas Hagerty, Timothy Huggins, Alexander McCabe, James Flemming, Patrick Fitzgerald, Thomas McKernon, Edward Pritchard, Charles Rheins, Timothy Hurley, John McGrath, Matthew Walshe, Patrick Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Patrick Clare, John Hennessey, Hugh Deagan, Maurice Powers, Abner Carter, Daniel McMurray, Patrick Malone, James Corcoran, Patrick Abbott, John McNealis, Michael Egan, Daniel Donovan, John Wesley, John Anderson, John Flood, Peter O'Hare, Michael Delaney, Terence Mulhern."

The inquiry may naturally arise how this small number of men could take charge of so large a body of prisoners. This required that to their valor they should add strategem, A few men were placed on the parapet as sentinels, the* rest were marched out as a