Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/292

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282 Southern Historical Society Papers.

the enemy, the Fifty-first South Carolina regiment had been replaced at this point by a part of the Sixty-third Tennessee regiment. Captain J. W. Robertson, of the latter regiment, was now directed to take two com- panies and drive the enemy's skirmishers back. This was hand- somely done by a charge. Somewhat later, in the darkness of the night the enemy's reserve — about a regiment — made a demonstration, fired a volley on our skirmishers, raised a shout and made an effort to charge them, but Captain Robertson's command held its position until a late hour at night, when it was relieved by two companies of the Fifty-First North Carolina regiment. A heavy line of skirmishers, under Lieutenant- Colonel Akin, of the Sixty-third Tennessee, held Level Ford during the night of the gth. The enemy, however, attempted to cross some men above the ford, and brought up a piece of artillery to the stream, but they were promptly driven back by a detachment under Capt. Millord, of the Sixty-third Tennessee regiment.

In the skirmishing at Swift Creek, Johnson's brigade had five men wounded, one mortally, making the total number of casualties at that point 142. The loss of the enemy was, perhaps about an equal num- ber.

During the morning of the loth, parts of Wise's, Ransom's and Hoke's brigades arrived. About half-past i P. M. the prevailing quietude along the line induced me to order the artillery near the rail- road bridge to open. It drew no response from the enemy, who had previously made very free use of a battery of artillery just opposite. I then ordered forward our skirmishers, and found the enemy had withdrawn without any manifest cause.

Major-General Hoke arrived this evening and assumed command on the morning of the nth of May.

I forward herewith Col. R. F. Graham's report of the affair at Port Walthall junction on the evening of the 6th of May ; also Brigadier- General Hagood's report of the actions and casualties at Port Wal- thall junction on the 7th and at Swift Creek on the gth of May, 1864. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

[Signed] B. R.Johnson, Major-General.