Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/30

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20 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Richardson' s Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel C. Richardson. Lewis Artillery, Captain N. Penick. Donaldsonville Artillery, Captain V. Maurin. Norfolk Light Artillery, Captain C. R. Grandy. Huger Artillery, Captain J. D. Moore.

PegranCs Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. Pegrani. Pee Dee Artillery, [Captain E. B. Brunson]. Fredericksburg Artillery, Captain E. A. Marye. Letcher Artillery, Captain T. A. Brander. Purcell Battery, [Captain Geo. M. Cayce]. Crenshaw's Battery, Captain T. EUett.

Poague's Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel W. T. Poague. Madison Artillery, [Captain T. J. Richards]. Albemarle Artillery, Captain J. W. Wyatt. Brooke Artillery, Captain A. W. Utterback. Charlotte Artillery, Captain Williams.

A Northern Opinion of Grant's Generalship.

[The following able criticism of General Grant's claim to great generalship was published in the New York Tribune last summer, and is worth preserving as the well digested opinion of one who seems to have risen above the prejudices of the hour and to have written, to some extent at least, in the calm spirit of the true military critic. We do not, of course, endorse all of this writer's statements and conclusions, but that his estimate of Grant will be that of the future historian there can be but little doubt.]

To the Editor of the Tribune :

Sir, — The attitude in which General Grant has so long been posed before the world is likely to receive a severe blow from the publication of General Humphreys's last volume of " The Cam- paigns of the Civil War," of which the Tribune contained a review