Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/65

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Official Reports, (&c. 55

on the right and a short distance in advance of the Confederate States gunboat " J. A. Cotton " (four guns), commanding the obstructions at the bridge just below that place ; opened fire about 4 o'clock on the four gunboats of the enemy then approaching, engaging three boats following each other in succession, for about thirty minutes, under a severe fire from their heavy guns, at short rayige and unsupported, but in battery with a section of Capt. O. J. Semmes's battery, consisting of two James Rifles (bronze twelve- pounders j, under First Lieut. J. A. A. West. Both sections then fell back to the Bayou Teche road, in the rear of and above their first position, where after firing ten to fif- teen minutes, retired in good order and returned to this camp.

The nature of the ground and cover in our out-front (guns being in battery among a number of large live oak trees) prevented the effect of all the shots being observed, it has been ascertained, however, and believed that two of the gunboats retired badly crippled, and from the cries heard on board, a number of the enemy must have been wounded.

Being i\iQ. first engagement for this section and for most of the men, all behaved well under fire. The horses for new ones were remark- ably quiet.

I have no casualties to report.

The distance fired from the first position was about 300 yards. The number of shell (fuse) fired by this section was fifty-eight. I am, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,

T. A. Faries, Capt. Comd'g Battery, Mouton's Brigade.

Notes. — The following particulars of the fight from the Federals were received through the lines after this report was written :

" The U. S. S. ' Kinsman ' had the brunt of the combat, she received fifty-four shot and shell in her hull and upper works ; had one man killed and five wounded.

" The U. S. S. ' Estrella' received three shot ; had two men killed and one mortally wounded.

"The U. S. S. 'Calhoun' was struck by eight shot or shell ; re- ceived no serious damage ; no casualties reported.

" The U. S. S. ' Diana ' received three shell, her rudder was ren- dered useless, being badly shattered ; she had to be towed back to Ber- wick's Bay."

The C. S. S. "J. A. Cotton "was armed with one thirty-two pounder, smooth bore, and two twenty-four pounders, smooth bore,