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The Merrimac and the Monitor. 99

The facts above stated as having occurred after I had placed the ship in charge of Lieutenant Jones, were reported to me by that officer.

At an early hour next morning (the gth), upon the urgent solicita- tions of the surgeons, Lieutenant Minor and myself were very re- luctantly taken on shore. The accommodations for the proper treatment of wounded persons on board the Virginia are exceedingly limited, Lieutenant Minor and myself occupying the only space that could be used for that purpose, which was in my cabin. I, therefore, consented to our being landed on Sewell's Point, thinking that the room on board, vacated by us, could be used for those who might be wounded in the renewal of the action. In the course of the day Lieutenant Minor and myself were sent in a steamer to the hospital at Norfolk.

The following is an extract from the report of Lieutenant Jones, of the proceedings of the Virginia on the 9th:

"At daylight on the Qth we saw that the Minnesota was still ashore, and that there was an iron battery near her. At eight we ran down to engage them (having previously sent the killed and wounded out of the ship), firing at the Minnesota, and occasionally at the iron bat- tery. The pilots did not place us as near as they expected. The great length and draft of the ship rendered it exceedingly difficult to work her; we ran ashore about a mile from the frigate, and were backing fifteen minutes before we got off. We continued to fire at the Minnesota, and blew up a steamer alongside of her; we also en- gaged the Monitor, sometimes at very close quarters; we once suc- ceeded in running into her, and twice silenced her fire. The pilots declaring that we could get no nearer the Minnesota, and believing her to be entirely disabled, and the Monitor having run into shoal water, which prevented our doing her any fun her injury, we ceased firing at twelve, and proceeded to Norfolk. Our loss is two killed and nineteen wounded. The stem is twisted and the ship leaks; we have lost the prow, starboard anchor, and all the boats; the armor is somewhat damaged, the steam-pipe and smoke-stack both riddled, and the muzzles of two of the guns shot away. It was not easy to keep a flag flying ; the flag-staffs were repeatedly shot away ; the colors were hoisted to the smoke-stack and several times cut down from it."

The remainder of this report need not be quoted, as it is not rele- vant to the question before us. In the report made to the Forty- seventh Congress, a letter from the Hon. William H. Hunt, Secretary of the Navy, and one from James Byers are quoted, both of which are here appended, as we desire to give x all the testimony bearing on the case.

NAVY DEPARTMENT, Washington, Jan. 28, 1882.

SIR : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your let- ter of the 27th instant, requesting my views upon the subject of a