Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/175

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174 Southern Historical Society Papers.

assigned to this command on the 4th of July and found it lying in line of battle along the ridge of hills west of Gettysburg. Marching that night about 10 P. M. we were on the road until daylight. Soon after, my flank being threatened by the enemy's cavalry, I detached Major White and part of the Forty-eighth Virginia to cover it as skirmishers. He, during the course of the morning, was charged by the troop escorting Major-General Howard, U. S. A., and drove them off handsomely, bringing in one prisoner. We bivouacked that night beyond Fairfield, and on the night of the 6th, a mile from Waynesboro. On the yth went into bivouac three miles and a half from Hagerstown on the Leitersburg road. On the loth the division marched, this brigade being rearguard, and went into bivouac two miles west of Hagerstown on the Williamsport road. On the nth took position in line of battle and employed the men in throwing up field work, which, though rude, materially strengthened the position. They were exceedingly anxious to meet the enemy, feeling confident of their ability to avenge Gettysburg. The Twenty-fifth Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Robinson, covered the front of the brigade as skirmishers and promptly checked the advance of the enemy's line, which, on the i2th, came up feeling our position. On Monday night, the 1 3th, we withdrew and crossed the Potomac, fording it at Wil- liamsport, bringing off every man and gun. On the I4th we biv- ouacked near Martinsburg. On the i5th, near Darksville. On the i yth, received orders from division headquarters to return to Mar- tinsburg and destroy the railroad, which was done. On that and the 1 8th were much annoyed by the enemy's cavalry, which kept driving in our cavalry pickets and threatening the working parties. Their audacity increased so that on Sunday, the igth, they came within a mile of the town. I took the Fiftieth Virginia, Colonel Vande- venter, and after a skirmish lasting the whole day drove them back to a mile and a half of Hedgesville. The Fiftieth Virginia was relieved as skirmishers in the afternoon by the Forty-eighth, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Dungan. Both regiments, officers and men, behaved well ; our loss, none. Enemy left six killed, one wounded. A section of Hart's artillery, Hampton's brigade, did very great service, and I had the benefit of the advice and presence of Colonel L. J. Baker, First North Carolina cavalry, commanding brigade. The enemy's force was stated by citizens and prisoners to have been large, six regiments cavalry, two of mounted infantry and six guns. I did not see more than three regiments and four pieces of artillery. On the 2ist I reported again to division headquarters. Captain S. J.