Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/191

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190 Southern Historical Society Papers.

N. B. I would state that Captain John R. Woodward, of company G, entered the engagement as Acting Major in charge of the left wing, early in the engagement. He was wounded in the head by the fragment of a shell, and was borne from the field. Respectfully submitted,

P. A. WORK, Lieutenant- Colonel Com' d'g First Texas Reg't.

In addition to the above report, I have the following to submit: During the evening of Friday, the 2d July, company I, commanded by Lieutenant Loughridge, having become separated from the Fourth Texas regiment, of which it was a part, attached itself to the First Texas regiment, and remained with it throughout the evening and night, until the latter was moved to the position occupied by the brigade on the 3d of July, doing its full duty and battling bravely. Respectfully submitted,

P. A. WORK, Lieutenant- Colonel Com' d' g First Texas Reg 1 1.



July gth, 1863.

SIR, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the action near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2d and 3d, 1863 :

About 4^ o'clock P. M., the 2d inst., we were ordered to advance on the enemy, who occupied the heights about one and a quarter miles distant; the Fifth Texas, the directing battalion on my right, and the First Texas on my left Advancing at double-quick, we soon met the enemy's skirmishers, who occupied a skirt of the thick undergrowth about one quarter of a mile from the base of the cliffs upop which the enemy had a battery playing upon us with the most deadly effect. After a short pause, while repelling his skirmishers, I was ordered by General Robertson to move by the right flank so as to cover all the ground between us and the directing battalion. Moving about two hundred yards I met the enemy in full force in a