Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/296

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Campaign Against Grant in North Mississippi. -'.:>

During the advance of Price's corps on this day, the right brigade of Maury's division was commanded by General John C. Moore, an officer of fine ability and courage. Close on the railroad, but on the south side of it, was an entrenched camp of the enemy. Moore, advancing with his right on the railroad, would have soon been en- filaded by this force, but instantly perceiving his situation, he threw his brigade across the railroad, and attacking the camp, drove the Federals who were occupying it back into their heavy works about College Hill ; he then recrossed to the north of the railroad, resumed his position in the line of Maury's division, and soon encountered a Federal brigade, which after a fierce conflict he drove before him into the works of Corinth. The Missourians and Phiffer's brigade of Maury's division were also hotly engaged during this advance, and Cabell's brigade, acting as reserve, was repeatedly detached to reinforce such portions of the life north of the railroad as seemed in need of support.

At sunset the enemy in front of Price's corps had been driven into the town at every point along our whole front, and the troops of Price's corps had established their line close up to Corinth. After a hot day of incessant action and constant victory, we felt that our prize was just before us, and one more vigorous effort would crown our arms with complete success. Van Dorn felt all this, and wished to storm the town at once, but General Price thought the troops were too much exhausted. They had been marching and fighting since dawn; the day had been one of the hottest of the year; our men had been without water since morning, and were almost famished; while we were pursuing the enemy from his outer works that morn- ing several of our men fell from sunstroke, and it was with good reason that General Price opposed further action that evening. He said: "I think we have done enough for to-day, General, and the men should rest." Van Dorn acquiesced in this and gave his orders for a general assault in the morning. They were of the sim- plest nature. At an early hour before dawn all of the artillery of his army was ordered to open upon the town and works, and at day- light the whole line was to advance and storm them. During the night the enemy was actively moving his trains and baggage out on the roads to the Tennessee river, and all night reinforcements were pouring into Corinth.

Under the direction of Colonel William E. Burnett, all of the ar- tillery of Maury's division, and two of the pieces captured from the enemy added to it, opened upon the enemy in Corinth, and at short