Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/304

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Campaign Against Grant in North Mississippi. 303

proper places in our ranks. It was about 10 A. M., and we had arrived with the head of our column to within one mile of the bridge over the Hatchie, when a courier from Wirt Adams galloped up and reported to General Van Dorn that "the enemy in heavy force is moving from Bolivar to oppose the crossing of the Hatchie." Van Dorn turned to General Maury, who was riding by his side, and said with the cheerful manner which the near prospect of a fight always gave him, " Maury, you are in for it again to day. Push forward as rapidly as you can and occupy the heights beyond the river before the enemy can get them." Moore's brigade, about eight hundred strong, moved forward at the double quick promptly at the wont, crossed the bridge, and had reached the foot of the high ground south of the river when the enemy's line was discovered already forming on the crest, and a six-gun battery opened an enfilading fire with canister and grape upon us. At this moment the brigade, in column of fours, was marching along a narrow lane which led straight towards the enemy's battery. General Maury and General Moore, with their staff officers, were at the head of this column and within five hundred yards of the battery when it opened fire upon us. The aim seemed good, for the shot spattered in the sand all around us, and the sabots bounded with their humming sound close about us; yet not a man in the brigade was touched. In the next second the lane was cleared, and the brigade was forming into line of battle to the right of it, and prepared to storm the heights. These were already occupied by the forces under General Ord, which had been rapidly pushed down from Bolivar by that officer, and now to the number of eight or ten thousand held the ground which covered the only practicable crossing of the Hatchie river. Ord did not wait for Moore to assault him, but forming his troops into two lines of battle, swept down the slope towards the river, forcing Moore back and breaking up his whole brigade. Some were captured, some were driven into the river, and scarce an organized company came out of the conflict.

By this time the Texas brigade, Russ's dismounted cavalry, had .come up. General Maury rapidly formed them on the little ridge 'which commands the bridge from the north side. Colonel Burnett, Chief of Artillery of Maury's division, one of the bravest and ablest artillery officers of our army, now saw his opportunity, and rapidly massed all the batteries of the division on this eminence. About two hundred yards before them lay Davis's bridge, over which Ord 1 forces must pass to attack us. Burnett charged his guns with dou