Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/381

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380 Southern Historical Society Papers.

forming on the front line on the crest of a slight ridge, and construct- ing a breastwork of logs, Clayton's a few hundred yards in rear, on a parallel ridge, and Bate with his left resting on Brown's right, his line extending obliquely to the right and rear to prevent the enemy from turning our position, it having been ascertained that the right wing was a very considerable distance to our rear. My division was the right of the left wing commanded by Lieutenant General Long- street, and McNair's brigade was on the left of Brown's. Subse- quently Wood's brigade, of Cleburne's division, was formed on the right, and in prolongation of Brown's, and about nine A. M., Desh- ler's was formed on the right of Bate's.

In the meantime, a heavy fire was opened upon us from the enemy's batteries in our immediate front, and but a few hundred yards distant, by which some losses were occasioned. At length, about eleven A. M., Major Lee, of General Bragg's staff, came to me with an order to advance at once and attack the enemy. I in- formed him what orders had previously been received, and that no attack had been made on my right. He replied that General Bragg had directed him to pass along the lines and give the order to every division commander to move upon the enemy immediately. Ac- cordingly, I arranged with General Wood that he should advance with Brown, which was done without delay. Clayton was moved up immediately to Brown's position, and Bate's right thrown for- ward to bring him on line with Clayton, when they also advanced to be within supporting distance of Brown and Wood. For several hundred yards both lines pressed on under the most terrible fire it has ever been my fortune to witness. The enemy retired, and our men, though mowed down at every step, rushed on at double-quick, until at length the brigade on the right of Brown broke in confusion, exposing him to an enfilade fire. He continued on, however, some fifty to seventy-five yards further, when his two right regiments gave way in disorder and retired to their original position. His centre and left, however, followed by the gallant Clayton and indomitable Bate, pressed on, passing the cornfield in front of the burnt house, and to a distance of two to three hundred yards beyond the Chat- tanooga road, driving the enemy within his line of entrenchments and passing a battery of four guns, which were afterwards taken possession of by a regiment from another division. Here new bat- teries being opened by the enemy on our front and flank, heavily supported by infantry, it became necessary to retire, the command reforming on the ground occupied before the advance.