Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/501

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500 Southern Historical Society Papers.

the order the brigade moved out at the time specified and to the point designated, each man having been supplied with sixty rounds of ammunition. Soon after our arrival at the place designated by the Major-General on the turnpike, the other brigades of the division came up, and we marched in the direction of Strasburg by the turn- pike road in front of the division. Having passed through Stras- burg, we left the turnpike and moved upon a little road turning to the right, which was followed until we came in sight of the enemy's camp- fires. Here a halt was ordered until near five o'clock, when I was ordered to move down this road until the brigade had crossed over, and then turn down the creek and form line of battle parallel to the creek, and to advance immediately to the front until a certain clump of woods was passed, and then to change direction to the left in such manner as to cause the line to confront that of the enemy ; to drive the enemy's pickets in without firing upon them; and not to fire until the enemy's line was reached; all of which was strictly complied with, the gallant men moving forward steadily and firmly, receiving the shots from the enemy's picket line without replying, but continu- ing to move forward with unbroken front, through the volleys of musketry and cannon which they were now exposed to, until they reached the enemy's works. The enemy made a stubborn resistance. Some of them were shot down while firing upon our men at a dis- tance of a few feet. The works were of a formidable character, with a strong abattis covering most of the front and in a favorable posi- tion for defence.

After capturing the works and sweeping through the camp (which was just inside the works), there being no troops either on our right or left, I thought it prudent to fall back to the captured works and await the arrival of other troops. Here the brigade captured a large number of prisoners, seven pieces of cannon which were mounted on the works, beside some other pieces which were parked in rear, the whole of the camp equipage which was upon that part of their line. While waiting for the other troops to come up, the captured artillery was turned upon the enemy; very soon the brigades of Generals Connor and Humphreys came up on the right and left, and again we advanced, encountering a second line of works, but driving them like chaff before the wind, and again came in contact with their third line, but here did not meet with as much resistance as upon the other lines; we continued to drive the enemy until about eleven o'clock, when a halt was ordered. Our position was changed by moving to the right, and rested until about five o'clock in the afternoon, when