Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/543

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542 Southern Historical Society Papers.

done ; but everything depends upon a surprise, and NO ONE must be allowed to pass ahead of the column. Information must be gathered, in regard to the crossings of the river, so that should we be repulsed on the south side we will know where to recross at the nearest point All mills must be burned and the canal destroyed, and also every- thing which can be used by the Rebels must be destroyed including the boats on the river. Should a ferry boat be seized and can be worked, have it moved down. Keep the force on the south side posted of any important movement of the enemy, and in case of danger some of the scouts must swim the river and bring us information. As we approach the city the party must take great care that they do not get ahead of the other party on the south side, and must conceal themselves and watch our movements. We will try and secure the bridge to the city (one mile below Belle Isle), and release the prison- ers at the same time. If we do not succeed, they must then dash down, and we will try and carry the bridge from each side.

When necessary, the men must be filed through the woods and along the river bank. The bridges once secured, and the prisoners loose and over the river, the bridges will be secured and the city de- stroyed. The men must keep together and well in hand, and once in the city it must be destroyed, and Jeff Davis and Cabinet killed.

Pioneers will go along with combustible material. The officer must use his discretion about the time of assisting us. Horses and cattle, which we do not need immediately, must be shot rather than left. Everything on the canal and elsewhere, of service to the Rebels, must be destroyed. As General Custer may follow me, be careful not to give a false alarm.

The signal officer must be prepared to communicate at night by rockets, and in other things pertaining to his department.

The Quartermasters and Commissaries must be on the lookout for their departments and see that there are no delays on their account.

The engineer officer will follow to survey the road as we pass over it, &c.

The pioneers must be prepared to construct a bridge or destroy one. They must have plenty of oakum and turpentine for burning, which will be rolled in soaked balls and given to the men to burn when we get in the city. Torpedoes will only be used by the pio- neers for destroying the main bridges, &c. They must be prepared to destroy railroads. Men will branch off to the right with a few pioneers and destroy the bridges and railroads south of Richmond, and then join us 'at the city. They must be well prepared with