Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 14.djvu/477

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"■^ Beast Butler Outlaioed. 471

another letter was on the 2d of August last (1862), addressed by Gen- eral Lee, under my instructions, to General Halleck, renewing the inquiry in relation to the said execution of the said Mumlord, .with the information that in the event of not receiving a reply within fifteen days it would be assumed that the fact alleged was true and was sanctioned by the Government of the United States.

And, whereas, an answer dated on the 7th August last (1862), was addressed to General Lee by General H. W. Halleck, the said Gen- eral-in-Chief of the armies of the United States, alleging sufficient cause for failure to make early reply to said letter of 6th July, asserting that " no authentic information had been received in rela- tion to the executi&n of Mumford, but measures will be immediately taken to ascertain the facts of the alleged execution," and promising that General Lee shoaild be duly informed thereof

And, whereas, on the 29th November last (1862), another letter was addressed under my instructions by Robert Ould, Confederate Agent for the exchange of prisoners under the cartel between the two Governments, to Lieutenant- Colonel W. H. Ludlow, agent of the United States under said cartel, informing him that the explana- tions promised in the said letter of General Halleck, of 7th of Au- gust last, had not yet been received, and that if no answer was sent to the Government within fifteen days from the delivery of this last communication, it would be considered that an answer is declined.

And, whereas, by letter dated on the 3d day of the present month of December, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Ludlow apprised the said Robert Ould that the above-recited communication of the 29th of November had been received and forwarded to the Secretary of War of the United States.

And, whereas, this last delay of fifteen days allowed for answer has elapsed, and no answer has been received

And, whereas, in addition to the tacit admission resulting from above refusal to answer, I have received evidence fully establishing the truth of the fact that the said William B. Mumford, a citizen of this Confederacy, was actually and publicly executed in cold blood by hanging, after the occupation of the city of New Orleans by the forces under the command of General Benjamin F. Butler, when said Mumford was an unresisting and non combatant captive, and for no offence even alleged to have been committed by him subsequent to the date of the capture of the said city.

And, whereas, the silence of the government of the United States, and its maintaining of said Butler in high office under his authority