Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 14.djvu/57

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Diary of Lieutenant-Colonel John G. Pressley. 51

and opportunity for all sorts of speculating schemes. The specula- tion, however, which did most harm to our army was not done in the city. It was the " stay-at-home skulker" in the country who was practicing extortion on the soldiers' families.

April 2oth. — A grand review of troops held to-day by General Beauregard, in the field near Freer's house, and not far from our camp. After the review and before the troops were dismissed the General presented a battle-flag to each regiment, battalion and battery. The " stars and bars " had been so often mistaken for the " stars and stripes' ' that a change of the standard became a necessity. The troops present were Brigadier-General Clingman's North Carolina brigade of four regiments, a brigade commanded by Colonel C. H. Stevens, composed of Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth South Carolina Volun- teers, Second regiment of South Carolina Volunteer Artillery ,;Eighth Georgia Battalion, Lucas' Battalion of Regulars, two companies of White's Battalion, five batteries of artillery, and three companies of cavalry. The display was very fine notwithstanding the heat of the day and dust of the field.

April 2ist. — The infantry have been again relieved from picket duty. The out-post duty is done by the cavalry. The field-ofiicer of the day was relieved from duty with the pickets, and it is made his duty to look after the manner in which the routine duties of the camp is discharged in all of the regiments within his jurisdiction. In my rounds to-day I found that very few of the regiments or battalions were in point of discipline equal to the Twenty- fifth, and none sur- passing it in efficiency.

Six iron-clads were reported in the North Edisto.

A successful attempt was made by the Confederates to get off the armament of the Keokuk. The Confederate iron-clad Chicera covered the working party. One gun was successfully landed through the enterprise and ingenuity of a Mr, Lacoste, a citizen. A book was found on board containing the system of signals used in the Fed- eral service.

April 2 sd. — The regiments and battalions under the command of Colonel C. H. Stevens, of the Twenty-fourth South Carolina Volun teers, were to-day exercised in evolutions of the line. There were four regiments and battalions on the drill besides the Twenty-fifth. The performance was very creditable to all of the troops in the line.

April 24th to July 8th. — Under the call of the Executive Council of the State for ten regiments with field officers appointed by the Governor and Council, Lamar's regiment of artillery and the