Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 15.djvu/113

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Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. 85

P. E. Wilson, Capt. Co. F, 3d Va. Inf'try.

J. W. Crist, ist Lieut. Co. I, 5th Va.

J. M. Brown, ist Lieut. Co. F, 5th Va.

R. H. Fisher, 2d Lieut. Co. I, 5th Va.

C. W. Baylor, 2d Lieut. Co. D, 5th Va. Inf'try.

R. E. Trenary, 2nd Lt. Co. L, 5th Va. Inf'try.

Chas. S. Arnall, ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 5th Va. Inf.

Chas. L. Drebing, 2nd Lieut. Comp'y D, 2nd Va. Inf.

F. L. Wilson, Capt. Com'd'g 2yth Va. Inf.

J. M. Treny, Capt. Co. C, 5th Va. Reg't, Com'd'g.

H. A. Herrell, Capt. Co. D, ^d Va., Com'd'g Reg'm't.

David H. Walton, ist Lt. and Adj't. 33d Va. Reg't.

Cornelius Baldwin, Ass't Surg., 33d Va. Inf'try.

W. A. Witcher, Col. Com. 2 ist Va. Infantry.

S. F. Swanson, Capt. Com'd'g Co. I, 2ist Va. Inf.

C. G. Crichton, ist Lieut. Com'd'g Co. G, 2ist Va. Inf'try. Frank Gale, Ass't Surg. 2 ist Va. Inf'try.

Jno. H. Cumbia, 2 ist Va. Inf'try.

Harvey Gilmore, Chaplain, 2ist Va. Inf'try.

W. N. Harper, Maj., 25th Reg't Va. Inf'try.

A. S. Miller, Surgeon, 25th Reg't Va. Inf'try.

W. H. Fitchetl, Capt. Co. B. 25th Reg't Va. Inf'try.

E. D. Camden, Capt. Co. C, 25th Va. Reg't Inf'try.

James L. Tompkins, ist Lt. Co. B, Com'd'g d2d Reg't Va. Inf'try.

John D. Biggs, 2nd Lieut. Co. G, 42d Va. Reg't.

D. W. Anderson, Maj. Com'd'g 44th Va. Reg't. R. H. Gilliam, Capt. Co. I, 44th Va.

Wm.,B. Dunn, ist Lt. Co. I, 44th Va.

R. H. Dungan, Col. 48th Va. Reg't Inf't'y.

Oscar White, Lt.-Col. 48th Va. Inf't'y.

Wm. F. Price, ist Lieut, and Adj't, 48th Va. Inf't'y.

John L. Gollehon, ist Lieut. Co. D., 48th Va. Inf't'y.

D. H. Lee Martz, Lt.-Col. Com'd'g loth Va. Inf't'y.

M. G. Balthis, Chaplain, loth Va. Inf't'y.

J. G. H. Miller, ist Lieut. Co. I, loth Va. Inf't'y.

J. P. Fitzgerald, Lt.-Col. Com'd'g 23d Reg't Va. Inf't'y.

J. L. Cannon, Ass't Surg'n, 23d Reg't Va. Inf't'y.

P. B. Henley, ist Lieut. Co. B, 23d Va. Reg't Infantry.

Henly Ellis, ist Lt. Co. F, 23d Va. Inf't'y.

O. C. Sims, 2d Lt. Co. A, 23d Va. Reg't.

J. Winston Waddy, Co. A, 23d Va. Reg't, 2d Lieut.