Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 15.djvu/331

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Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. 303

Co. H.

Corp'l H. M. Summerow, Private James Queen,

Private David T. Anderson, J. F. Perkins,

W. J. Friday, Hiram Brotherton,

J. C. Friday, James Bynum,

A. Hedgepeth, H. P. Parker,

C. Patterson.

Co. I.

ist Serg't J. T. Haskell, Private Green Henley,

2d Serg't J. D. Forrest, J. A. Poplin,

3d Serg't E. S. Swearengain, Jacob Shankle.

Co. K.

Serg't F. M. Hardgrove, Private McGee,

Private Coley, Thomas Pratt,

J. W. Stanbuck, [60] [Total, 400]

Mahone' s Division.

Wm. Mahone, Major-General P. A. C. S.

E. N. Wood, Major and Chief Surgeon.

J. A. Johnston, Maj. and Chief Q. M. Div.

Wm. N. McDonald, Captain and Ordnance Officer.

Waller Stein, Capt. and Ass't Adj't Gen'l.

J. R. Patterson, Capt. and Act. Ass't Insp. Gen'l.

Jas. W. Walker, A. A. D. C.

Chas. H. Mallory, A. A. D. C.

Jno. L. Briscoe, Capt. and A. Q. M.

O. H. P. Corprew, Capt. and A. Q. M.

H. J. Stone, Captain and Paymaster.

W. G. Privett, Capt. and A. A. S.

S. C. Elliott, Capt. and A. C. S.

Sam'l Hoffler, Ordnance Sergeant. [14]

Finnegaris Brigade.

David Lang, Col. Com'd'g Brig.

B. F. Simmons, ist Lt. and A. A. A. G.

Thos. C. Elder, Major and Corn's' y Subsistance.

R. W. Reid, Capt. and A. C. S.

D. W. Hinkle, Maj. and Brig. Q. M.

J. H. Johnson, Capt. and Ass't Brig. Q. M.