Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 15.djvu/527

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Lamar, Col. L. Q. C., 70.

Lamkin's Battery, 47.

Lamp, Capt. G. V., 382.

Lampkin, Capt. Thos. J., 146.

Lampley, Lt. J. A., 414.

Land, Maj. C. S., 403.

Landry, Capt. J. Prosper, 14, 62.

Lane, Lt. B. D., 424.

Lane, Gen James H. ; Brigade of, 358.

Lane, Surg. Thos. B., 359.

Lanford, Capt. L. P., 122.

Lang, Col. David, 303.

Langdon, Surg. S. W., 275.

Langley, Lt. E. B., 146.

Lapsley, Capt. R., 144.

Larkin, Lt. W. W., 190.

Lasater, Lt. Thos. L., 296.

Lassater, Lt. G. S., 170.

Latham's Battery, 62.

Latham, Capt. T. W., 394.

Latham, Maj. L. E., 252.

Latimore, Capt. John R., 94.

Latimore, Lt. T. D., 383.

Latrobe, Col. Osman, 69.

Lauchlin, Lt. P. L. M., 369.

Laughton, Lt. John E., 348.

Laurence, Capt. N. P., 413.

Law, Lt. C. H., 246.

Law, Lt. E. Starke, 95.

Lawham, Capt. R. S., 123.

Lawhon, Lt. A. F., 204, 212.

La whom, Capt. W. H. H., 275.

Lawrence, Maj. R. N., 70.

Lawson, Surg. John W.. 204.

Lazelle, Col. H. M. (U. S. A.), 467.

Lea, Lt. James, W., 204.

Lea, Col. John W., 204.

Lea, Lt. W. G., 348.

Leach, Lt. Geo. L., 263.

Leach, Surg. R. V., 263.

Lee Battery, 28. 456.

Lee, Chas. Carter, xxyiii.

Lee, Gen. Custis, xxvi.

Lee, Lt. C. D., 72.

Lee, Midshipman D. M., 3.

Lee, Capt. Geo., 238.

Lee, Lt. J., 263.

Lee, Gen. R.E.,i, 111,472; Letters of to President Davis, v ; correspondence with Gen. Grant, vii et sea.; appearance of, xiv ; farewell ad- dress of, xxiv ; self-denial of, xxvii ; es- cort of, 7.

Lee, Capt. T. G., 253.

Lee, Lt. W. A., 122.

Lee, Gen. W. H. F., xxvi.

Lee, Gen. Fitz., 3, 4, 472, vii, xxvi.

Leete, Adj't John H., 160, 170.

Leftwich, Surg. J. W., 73.

Leggett, Ass't Surg. VV. W., 177.

Legler, Capt. A. S., 403.

LeGrand, Lt. T. E., 448.

Leigh, Lt. Thos. C., 15.

Lemmons, Capt. P. O., 402.

Leonard, Lt. J. B., 42.

Leonard, Capt. T. S., n.

Leps, Chaplain J. H . , 190.

Lesesni, Maj. H. H., 403.

Lesesni, Lt. R. M., 359.

Lester, Lt. L. B., 327.

Lester, Col. Richard P., 393.

Lester, Col. Wm.. 368.

Letcher Battery, 7, 45, 454.

Lewellen, Lt. J. S., 431.

Lewis, Lt. Alex., 359.

Lewis, Lt. Chas. J., 327.

Lewis, Lt. E. L., 393.

Lewis, Surg. M. M., 70.

Lewis, Lt. P. H., 314.

Lewis, Lt. R. T., 205.

Lewis, Lt. Wm., 432.

Lewis, Gen. W. G. ; Brigade of; officers of, 190.

Light, Lt. W. H.,84.

Lightfoot, Col. C. E. ; Batt. Art of, 26.

Lightfoot, Capt. John, 70.

Ligon, Lt. P. Leigh, 72.

Lilly, Capt. S. S , 296

Lilly, Asst. Surg. W. H., 296.

Linch, Capt. W. D., 95.

Ljneberger, Lt. D. W., 413.

Lineberger, Capt. T. J.,358.

Lindsay, Adj't J. H., 263.

Lindsay, Lt. M. M., 359.

Lippett, Surg. C. E., 71.

Lipscomb, Courier J. E., 14.

Lipscomb, Lt. Smith, 403.

Lipsey, Lt. T. A., 123.

Little, Chaplain James, 304.

Little, Ensign J. W. F., 109.

Little, Lt. R. J., 246.

Little, Capt. R. D., 109.

Littlefield, Maj. J. H.. 160.

Littlepage, C. S. Navy, W. B., 450.

Litty, Lt. P. B., 185.

Lively, Lt. G. P., 431.

Lloyd, Lt. M B., 145.

Loc'kett, Lt. D. S., 382.

Lockett, Lt. P., 72.

Lockhart, Capt. R. B., 421.

Lofton, Lt. B. H., 108.

Logan, Lt. B. F., 204.

Logan, Asst. Surg. John E., 253.

Logan, Surg. J. H., 402.

Logan, Lt. N., 334.

Lomax, Chaplain A. A., 327. Long, Gen. A. L., 13; Men on duty at Head- quarters of, 18. Long, Lt. H. W., 304. Longbridge, Lt. James, 145. Longstreet, Gen. James, x, 69. Louisiana Brigade, 130. La. Inf., ist regt., 231. La. Inf., 2d regt., 231. La. Inf., 5th regt., 233. La. Inf., 6th regt., 4, 6, 233. La. Inf., 7th regt., 6, 236. La. Inf., 8th regt., 234. La. Inf., gth regt., 235. La. Inf., loth regt., 232. La. Inf., I4th regt., 78, 232, 456, 472. La. Inf., isth regt., 235. Love, Col. M. N., 423. Lovell, Capt. E. F.,358. Lovett, Gunner J. A., 449. Low, Capt. H., 394. Lowe, Col. J. H., 212. Lowndes, Capt. James, 402. Lowrance, Maj. R. M., 457. Lowrance, Capt. W. B.. 383. Lowrie, Lt. R. B., 295. Lowther, Col. A. A., 145, 162. Lucado, Capt. L. F., 189. Luck, Capt. E. S., 72. Luckey, Surg. F. N., 424. Luckie, Surg. Jas. B., 413. Ludlow, Capt. J. R., 347. Lumley, Lt. James W., 394. Lumpkin, T. R., 18. Lumsden, Lt. A. L., -3. Lyles, Lt. N. P., 123. Lynch, Lt. Geo. E., 160. Lyneman, Capt. S. H , 2. Lynham, Jr., Capt. W.J., 449. Lynes, Capt. T. B., 421. Lyon, Surg. A. A., 326. Lyon, Capt. A. M., 73. Lyon, C. S. Navy, G. C., 450. Lyons, Capt. J. L., 231, Lyons, Surg. Peter, 450.

Maben, Capt. J. C., 69.