Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 16.djvu/113

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Articles of Surrender of the A. N. V. 107

which enabled our steamer to turn as upon a pivot in the narrow channel between the bar and the ribs. We reached the bar before our pursuers, and were soon lost in the darkness outside."


McComb and Staff Memorandum Furnished by Lieutenant Polk G. John- son, Clarkesville, Tennessee.

McComb, William, Tennessee, Brigadier-General, December, 1864. Surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse April 8, 1865.

Allen, John, Tennessee, Captain and A. A. G. Wounded at Pe- tersburg, Virginia, April 2, 1865. Served through the war. Surren- dered at Appomattox.

Moore, William S., Tennessee, Captain and A. I. G. Served through the war.

McCulloch, R. E., Tennessee, First Lieutenant and A. D. C., Feb- ruary 23, 1865. Captured April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Virginia. Served through the war. Released from prison after close of war.

Allensworth, A. J., Tennessee, Major and A. Q. M. Surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse April 9, 1865.

Hawkins, Dick, Tennessee, Major and A. Commissary. Surren- dered at Appomattox Courthouse April 9, 1865.

The following officers acted on the staff during the war :

Johnson, Polk G., Tennessee, First Lieutenant and A. A. I. G., July 29, 1864. A. D. C. General Quarles' staff, Army of Tennessee. Assigned by Secretary of War to this staff, March, 1865. Wounded at Atlanta. Surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.

Archer, James W., Virginia, Captain and Ordnance Officer. Sur- rendered at Appomattox Courthouse April 9, 1865.

Articles of Surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia.

The following interesting document, which definitely determines all who were or were not included in the capitulation of General Robert E. Lee, is printed from the original, with the signatures of the commis- sioners, and was preserved by Colonel Osman Latrobe, of Baltimore,