The Wee Nee Volunteers of Williamsburg District. 119
it. One of my men is without shoes, but I have sent to Charleston to buy him a pair. There are a good many of them who will suffer this winter, unless the people of Williamsburg will do their duty and supply them with clothing suitable for cold weather. We have no regular communication with Charleston. There comes a boat occa- sionally. I expect a steamer down this evening to bring another company. I hear that we are to have regular communication by means of a sail boat in a day or two. I do not suppose that we will be here very long, I think we will go to Cole's Island."
On the Qth day of September, 1861, Captain P. K. Molony, Adju- tant of Colonel Hagood's First regiment South Carolina volunteers, came to the post and the company was by him regularly mustered into the Confederate service.
The company was drawn up in line, the muster-roll called by the mustering officer, and each man answered to his name. The following pledge was signed by the officers and men :
" We, the undersigned, hereby agree to be mustered into the Con- federate service, unconditionally, until the I2th day of April, 1862."
And the Wee Nees were soldiers of the Confederate States of America. The twelfth day of April was fixed as the limit, because the term of service of the regiment expired on that day.
With the men mustered in by Captain Molony, and those who afterwards joined, the Wee Nees numbered four commissioned offi- cers, nine non-commissioned officers, and eighty-two privates. They were, while in this regiment, designated as Company E.
A relief society was started in the neighborhood of Kingstree for the purpose of furnishing to the soldiers in the field such supplies as they most needed. I wrote, on the I4th September, i86i,from Fort Johnson, a letter, from which I extract the following :
" My company is getting on very well, improving very fast in drill, and are a very quiet, obedient set. I do not think that I shall have much trouble with them. A good many of them are poorly pro- vided with clothing, and I hope the ladies who are at work will re- member them. I think four- fifths of them are making great sacrifices to serve their country."
Unremitting attention was paid to drill and instruction in the duties of the soldier. On the i6th of September I wrote, " My soldiers are getting on pretty well. Some of them have been sick, but are all better. They improve very fast, and will soon be able to take the field."
About the i8th of September, the company was transferred to