Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 16.djvu/270

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264 Southern Historical Society Papers.

train, near Berryville, that morning. Dispersed guard, treble his number; captured and destroyed seventy-five (75) loaded wagons ; brought off over two hundred prisoners, including several officers ; between five and six hundred horses and mules ; upwards of two hundred head of fine beef cattle, and many valuable stores. Con- siderable number of enemy killed and wounded. His loss two killed and three wounded.

W. H. TAYLOR, A. A. G.

i$th August, 1864. General R. E. LEE, Chaffin's Bluff:

One of Bearing's scouts, said to be generally correct, reports Hancock's Second corps went to City Point and came back again yesterday. Fields' capture of prisoners from this corps yesterday seems to contradict this. Perhaps you have positive information. Dearing also reports enemy have withdrawn their pickets from Carey's Church. Hill reports enemy has strengthened his force in his front. At daylight three brigades were seen moving to enemy's left. Hill's pickets report wagons or artillery moving from n until 3 o'clock last night to our left.

W. H. TAYLOR, A. A. G.

i 5th August, 1864. General R. E. LEE, via Chaffiri s Bluff :

General Hampton telegraphs from Richmond his command is moving back, and he awaits instructions there. Cars are at Dunlop's for two brigades. If not needed for this purpose, Colonel Corley would like to use them for LifHis.

W. H. TAYLOR, A. A. G.

i6th August, 186411 P. M. Colonel C. MARSHALL,

A. D. C. to General LEE, Chaffin's Bluff:

Telegram received. Will send articles requested at once. Tell General brigade left for Richmond ten minutes to 10 o'clock. All

quiet here.

W. H. TAYLOR, A. A. G.