Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 17.djvu/290

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282 Southern Historical Society Papers,

William B. Courtney, E. S. Cardoza, E. M. Crump, C. B. Fourquean, Joseph M. Fourquean, Henry W. Flournoy, Miles H. Gardner, W. W. Green, A. O. Jones, W. R. Jones, Thomas S. Jones, Samuel H. Liggan, J. M. Manders, T. T. Mayo, R. T. Sydnor, John T. Sizer, E. H. Sublett, William J. Svdnor, George A. Smith, Oscar V. Smith, E. G. Tyler, William L. White.

Powhatan Artillery; Sturdivant's Battery, Captain William H. Maxwell, Lieutenant William H. Weisiger, and other members ; Cobb Legion of Georgia.

Parker's battery.

Alexander's Battalion Artillery, Longstrjeet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, was represented by Parker's Battery, carrying with it banners representing the battalion and each of the six bat- teries composing the battalion, to-wit: Parker's, Jordan's, Moody's, Taylor's, Rhett's. and Woolfolk's. On these banners were the names of the seventeen pitched battles in which they were engaged. At the head of the column were five tattered battle-flags carried by Private S. P. Weisiger and companions, from Georgia. The battery was headed by the former commandants of the battalion, to-wit : General E. P. Alexander, Colonel Frank Huger, Major W. W. Parker, and Captain John Haskill, adjutant of the battalion. The battery following the field officers was Parker's Battery, composed of the following : Captain J. Thompson Brown, Lieutenant J. C. Parkinson, First-Sergeant Thomas L. Alfriend, and Sergeants Wil- liam Cogbill, John Cogbill, Matt Condrey, Thomas W. Pemberton, Frank Turnley, D. C. Richardson, and Quartermaster-Sergeant of the battalion S. Carter Weisiger ; Corporals D. C. Howard, John W. Moody, Thomas J. Todd; Privates Robert Bidgood, Andrew Bar- ker, Winchester Belvin, Lafayette Bolton, David A. Brown, John Creary, R. M. Clark, William E. Evans, George W. Folks, Clarence Flournoy, Marion Francisco, George Goff, John W. Glenn, Joseph Hayes, W. J. Mays, Thomas Perdue, William Parr, Charles Perkins, James Roach, Thomas Royall, Silas Stubbs, P. B. Scherer, Spencer Wooldridge, Samuel P. Weisiger.

Parker's Battery was followed by Woolfolk's Battery, represented by Lieutenants Willam Terrell and Vaughan, and Taylor's Battery, represented by Lieutenant Leake, and Jordan's Battery, represented by Sergeant James C. Read.

But few of these old soldiers were without honorable scars.