Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 17.djvu/293

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The Monument to General Robert K Lee. 286


Major Charles R. Skinker, President, commanding. At the head of this command was borne by Color-sergeant John H. Cumbia, of the Twenty-first Virginia Infantry (in which ** F ** company served throughout the war), the ante-bellum flag of "F'* company volun- teers, and used by them in the quelling of the John Brown insurrec- tion in 1859. It IS of blue silk, fringed with bullion, and inscribed

    • Company F, First Regiment Virginia Volunteers.**

The following members of the Association were in line : Maxwell T. Clarke, James N. Boyd, R. A. Brock, R. H. Gilliam, W. Leigh Burton, Tazewell Ellett, John W. Powell, James W. Archer, George A. Haynes, Philip A. Wellford, William S. Archer, J. H. Ellerson, Louis Zimmer and Henry N. Bullington, from New York, Thomas Ritchie Green, Clay Drewry, J. F. Meredith, Walter J. Blunt, Daniel D. Talley, Archer Anderson, Thomas A. Brander, R. D. Adam, W.

C. Barker, E. G. Tompkins, B. B. Van Buren, Joseph N. Willis, James E. Tyler, John Tyler, R. Emmet Tyler, W. B. Marks, Lewis

D. Crenshaw, George D. Wise, E. B. Meade, A. Randolph Ta- tum, George W. Peterkin, W. S. Jinkins, George R. Pace, Shirley King, A. J. Singleton, John H. Worsham, Mann Page. Other vete- rans joined with the Association in the march. Major Skinker, who lost a leg in the service and marched on crutches, commanded much attention, and the organization was frequently cheered by citizens and soldiery on the march — several commands presenting arms as the Association passed.


The Maryland ex- Confederates, who came in near the end of the line, received a full share of praise and plaudits. General Bradley T. Johnson and staff, on horseback, headed this section, and the United States Naval Band led the veterans, who numbered about 1.200.

The veterans arrived here early in the morning on two special trains and were met by the First regiment.

This body, the largest in the procession, embraces the following : The Society of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States in the State of Maryland ; the Association of the Maryland Line ; Bene- ficial Association of the Maryland Line ; the Murray Confederate