Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 17.djvu/390

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382 Southern Historical Society Papers.

2. A delegation of the prisoners themselves was sent to Washing- ton to represent the situation and the plea of humanity for exchange.

3. Vice President Stephens was sent to see President Lincoln by President Davis and urge exchange, in order " to restrict the calami- ties of war ; *' but he was denied audience.

4. Twice — in January, 1864, and in January, 1865 — President Davis proposed through Commissioner Ould that each side should send surgeons, and allow money, food, clothing, and medicines to be sent to prisoners, but no answer came.

5. Unable to get medicines in the Confederacy, offer was made to buy them from the United States for the sole use of Federal prison- ers. No answer was made.

6. Then offer was made to deliver the sick and wounded without any equivalent in exchange. There was no reply for months.

7. Finally, and as soon as the United States would receive them, thousands of both sick and well were delivered without exchange.

The record leaves no doubt as to the responsibility for refusal to exchange. General Grant assumed it, saying in his letter of August 18, 1864: **It is hard on our men in Southern prisons not to ex- change them, but is humanity to those left in the ranks to fight our battles. If we commence a system of exchanges which liberates all prisoners taken, we will have to fight on until the whole South is exterminated. If we hold those caught they amount to no more than dead men. At this particular time to release all rebel prisoners North would insure Sherman's defeat and would compromise our own safety here.*'

Alexander H. Stephens declared that the effort to fix odium on President Davis constituted **one of the boldest and baldest attempted outrages upon the truth of history which has ever been essayed. ' '

Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, formerly Assistant Sec- retary of War, nobly vindicated President Davis while he lived, de- clared him "altogether acquitted '* of the charge, and said of him dead : ** A majestic soul has passed.'*

When General Lee congratulated his army on the victories of Richmond, he said to them : " Your humanity to the wounded and the prisoners was the fit and crowning glory of your valor.'* And could that army now march by, they would lift those laurels from their bayonets and throw them upon the grave of the Confederate President.