Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 17.djvu/449

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Savannah, Ga., The Siege and Evacuation of, December, 1864, by Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., LL.D.,60 Schofield, General J. M., 348.

Scotch-Irish, The, 5.

Scott's. General W., Estimate of Lee, 319.

Secession, Massachusetts the Mother of, 91; Rijg:ht of 145; Opposition of the South to, 223; Of the South, 219.

Seven Pines, The Battle of, 322.

Sharpsbure, The Battle of, 325.

Skinker, Major Charles R, 285.

Slavery, The Effect of, 7; Unity of the South- ern Colonies Against, 135; in Massachusetts, 136; Sentiments of Lincoln Regarding, 137; II>ecay of, in the North and Growth of, in the South, 138; Discussed, 217; Questions Con- nected with, 226.

Smith, General G. W., 74.

Smith, Colonel L. Jacquelin, 68.

Smith, Hon. W. E., Death of, 62.

Smith, Hon. W. N. H., Death of, 62.

Sons of Veterans, The, 254, 279.

South Carolina Troops at the

Dedication of the Lee Monument, 267. South, The, Directing Men from, 5, 12; Stands for Race Integrity, 140; Humane Elements of the bettlers of, 5, 23; Scant Medical Re- Wheat. Leo, 47.

Virginia Infantr>', The ist, Casualties in, at the

Battle of Gettysburg, 407. Virginia Military Institute, Cadets of the,

271. Virginia Troops at the Dedication of the Lee

Monument, 271, 272, 291. Von Zinken, Col., 96.

Waddy, Col.J. R.,68.

War, The Army of the, 132.

Warner, Charles Dudley, 350.

Warriors, 6; of the South, 7.

Washington Artillery of Louisiana, 268, 306.

Washington and Lee University, Students of,

at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 286,

358. Washington's proposed Final Stand in the

Mountains of^West Augusta, Va., 323. Washington Shooters, The, 271. Washington Statue, The, 249. Watterson, Henry, 351. West Virgmia Troops at the Dedication of the

Lee Monument, 271. Wheat, General C. R., Memoir of, 47; " The

Last Words of," lines by " H.", 59; the

death 0C56 Whea|,,>6aptain John Thomas, 57.

sources of, in the war, 7; Leads in Acquiring..-AVfieeler, General Joseph, 77. the National Domain, 143; Its Battles for the White, Dr. Isaiah H., Surgeon C. S. A., on Union, 142. the Treatment of Prisoners, 383.

Sparrow, The English, 24. White, D. D., Rev, J. T., 353

Stiles, Major Robert, 297. William and Mary College, Students of, at the

Stone, D. M., 355. Dedication of the Lee Monument, 286.

Stringfellow, Rev. Frank, 357. Williams. General, 73.

Surgeons, Skill, Acumen and Devotion of, Williamsburg, Account of the battle of. May 5, 7, 12. 1862, by Salem Dutcher, 409.

Wilmot Proviso, The, 436. Willis, General Edward, Notice of, i6o; re- ports of battles of Chancellorsville, 177; of Gettysburj^:, 184; characteristic letter of— " The Prisoner's Gnard Reversed," 172 : letter to, from General R. E. Lee, 186. Willis, Dr. Francis T., i6o. Wilson, Hon. W. L.,

Tariff. The, 93.

Tattnall, Commodore Josiah, 83.

Taylor, General Zachary, 126.

Testimonials from Visitors at the Dedication of

the Lee Monument. 306. Texas, Annexation of, 435; Troops at the

Dedication of the Lee Monument, 269. Torpedoes, 83.

Valley Campaign of Stonewall Jackson, 55. Venable, Col. Charles S., 160.


Veteran Camps, 279.

Virginia Cavalry, Itinerary of the 4th, 377.

Virginia, Characteristics of the State and Peo-

ple of, 320.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of i798-'99, 90.

. 353- Winder Cavalry. Its historical flag, 247. Withers, General Jones M. Death of, 62. Wolseley's, Lord, Tribute to General R. E.

Lee, 318. Wooldridge, General Wm. Beverley, Notice

of. 376- Wright, General A. R., 73, 75.

Young, General P. M. B., 77.