Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 18.djvu/271

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General P. R. Cleburne. 271

was in battle the embodiment of war, and as a general, in his position, I think he had no superior ; and withal he was as modest and true- hearted a man as ever wore the gray. It ought to be the pride as it is the duty of the historian to give this dead herofc white stone." This book (The Military Annals of Tennessee) contains an excellent steel engraving of General Cleburne, and also a beautiful poem in honor of his memory by a Tennessee poetess, Mrs. Virginia Frazer Boyle.

In conclusion, while we would especially memorialize General Cle- burne to-day, we cannot forget the thousands of our humbler com- rades who also died valiantly for the country they loved. They, too, deserve our grateful remembrance, our peans of praise, our tributes of love. All grateful people have remembered and venerated their patriot dead. Erin, that little land that has given more than her share of genius and valor to the world, still honors the name of her mar- tyred Emmet. Enslaved and unhappy Poland still breathes a sigh for her Poniatouski ; Sparta, though dead, echoes from her tomb the name Leonidas. Buried Carthage consecrated her sepulcher with the dust of her patriots. And the South, God smile upon her,' still remembers her martyred dead, and speaks of their deeds with venera- tion and pride. Peace to their shades, honor to their ashes !

Numerous were the outbursts from his audience while touched upon the character of Cleburne, and the instances of the war which were deeply inscribed in the hearts of many of his listeners, who, too, had engaged in the battle at which General Cleburne fell and saw him meet his death.

Tears glistened in the eyes of many as the eloquent speaker's words portrayed to them the vivid pictures which even the flight of years is unable to dim.

Immediately following the orator a choir composed of male and female voices sang the hymn, " When the Spirit Leaves Its Clay."

Then followed the benediction by Rev. Father O'Reilly, of Helena, after which the graves of the Coufederate deceased were completely covered by loving hands with beautiful flowers. A larger crowd of visitors never before gathered in Helena for a purpose of this kind. For several days visitors have been coming from all parts of Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky.

The ladies of the Memorial Association, of Memphis, contributed a beautiful floral offering, which was placed upon the monument. It was a Confederate flag composed of geraniumns, helitropes, and stars