Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 18.djvu/276

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276 Southern Historical Society Papers.

through our land these boys were among the first to put on their armor. The opportunity to maintain their prestige for really they felt that the mantle of their fathers had fallen upon them was cheer- fully accepted.

By some good luck I preserved this list in pencil, and although nearly effaced I hasten to send it to you, that the " art preservative of all arts" may perpetuate it as a reminiscence of the glorious past.

As a coincidence of the times when these boys trudged up and down the Virginia Peninsula long before the lamented Magruder was called to take charge to watch the movements of the Federal war- ship Pawnee at Yorktown, the servant of each valliant soldier was called on to tote the baggage of his young master. Frequently, and which, by the way, was the rule on such occasions, the parents had the old carriages and wagons hauled out and they followed with all the necessary articles of extra clothing, food, &c., not forgetting the lint, splints, salve, &c., always looking for a sharp encounter and the possibility of some one getting hurt. Their mothers had offered them as a sacrifice upon the altar of their Southern country home and fireside, with the injunction of the Spartan to return with their shield or on it.

Out of the eighty-six boys who organized (only enough men for officers) as the " Williamsburg Junior Guards" for the war, about twenty-five survive ; the rest have gone to join the " ages."

I observe that of the list Joseph V. Bidgood and W. Miles Gary are residents of your city.

Officers : J. A. Henley, captain ; William Morecock, first lieu- tenant; H. M. Waller, second lieutenant ; L. Henly, third lieutenant ; O. N. Coke, orderly sergeant ; P. Jones, second sergeant ; J. F. Bowry, third sergeant ; R. L. Henley, fourth sergeant ; W. T. Christian, fifth sergeant ; W. E. Moss, color-bearer ; A. I. Hofhei- mer, first corporal; R. A. Bowry, second corporal; W. W. Lee, third corporal ; W. H. Barlow, fourth corporal.

Privates: J. H. Barlow, Jr., T. J. Barlow, R. G. Barlow, G. O. Ball, J. V. Bidgood, William Burke, R. Barham, W. Miles Gary, J. W. Clarke, C. B. Coakley, R. Crandall, T. C. Carrington, G. W. Clowes, J. A. Davis, J. W. Davis, S. N. Deneufville, H. L. Dix, J. H. Dix, W. C. Durfey, W. F. Gilliam, W. G. Gatewood, Benjamin Gilliam, R. J. Griffin, J. R. Harwood, J. M. Johnson, G. W. Jack- son, H. T. Jones, Jr., J. C. Lucus, W. H. Lee, E. M. Lee, R. A. Lively, E. H. Lively, R. C. Lawson, L. Lukehard, A. J. Lane, T. A. Moss, J. A. J. Moss, G. H. Mercer, H. V. Morriss, H. A. Mor-