Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 18.djvu/34

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34 Southern Historical Society Papers.


"'July 30, 1864 0:30 A. M.

" ' Major- General BURNSIDE, Commanding Ninth Corps:

" 'The major-general commanding has heard that the result of your attack has been a repulse, and directs that if, in your judgment, nothing further can be effected, that you withdraw to your own line, taking every precaution to get the men back safely.

'"A. A. HUMPHREYS, " ' Major- General and Chief of Staff.

" ' General Ord will do the same.

"'A. A. HUMPHREYS, " ' Major- General and Chief of Staff.

'"Official: " ' S. F. BARSTOW,

" 'Assistant Adjutant- General. '

" Then I received the following dispatch from Captain Sanders: [ By telegraph from Headquarters Ninth Army Corps. \

"'9 A. M., July 30, 1864. " ' To Major- General M EADE :

" ' The attack made on right of mine has been repulsed. A great many men are coming in the rear.


" 'Captain and C. M.

" ' Official: " ' S. F. BARSTOW,

' ' 'Assistant Adjutant- General. ' '

The Committee on the Conduct of the War, in their report, made after all of the testimony bearing on the subject, oral and documen- tary, had been heard and considered, fully appreciating the impor- tance of stating correctly the order of sequence and accordingly the exact time of the occurrence of the several military movements which were the subject of the committee's investigation, say: