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52 Southern Historical Society Papers.

it. You will perceive that it gives the home or local names of all of the companies as well as the names of the captains and field officers. It was written by Lieutenant George B. Johnston, of Company G., afterwards Captain of the same company, and subsequently, for a short time one of my adjutants. He was a highly-educated gentle- man, a 'first-honor man ' at Chapel Hill, a devout Christian, and one of the most delightfully social men I ever met. I could tell of deeds of daring by him, though he was rapidly dying with consumption, which evinced him one of the most gallant young men in the whole of General Lee's Army."


J. G. MARTIN, Adjutant- General N. C. S. T.:

DEAR SIR : I herewith send you a list of the commissioned officers of this regiment, with the dates of their commissions:

Field Colonel, Charles C. Lee. September i, 1861.

Lieutenant-Colonel, James H. Lane. September i, 1861. Major, Robert F. Hoke. September i, 1861.

Staff Adjutant, J. M. Poteat. Not given.

Quarter- Master, J. B. F. Boone. Not given. Commissary, John H. Wayt. April 24, 1861. Chaplain, Edwin A. Yates. May 21, 1861. Surgeon, P. E. Hines. May 18, 1861. Assistant Surgeon, J. H. Baker. May 18, 1861. Second Assistant Surgeon, J. G. Hardy. May 18, 1861.

Co. A Captain, Whitnel Pugh Lloyd. September 7, 1861.

First Lieutenant, William Gaston Lewis. September 7, 1861. Second Lieutenant, William S. Long. Not given. Junior Second Lieutenant, Kenneth Thigpen. September 7, 1861.

Co. B Captain, Lewis S. Williams. Not given.

First Lieutenant William A. Owens. Not given. Second Lieutenant William P. Hill. October 18, 1858. Junior Second Lieutenant, Thomas D. Gillespie. April 16, 1861.