Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 18.djvu/66

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66 Southern Historical Society Papers.

General Couch, in his report, says : " The enemy were now mass- ing large columns on our front.

"At about 4:30 P. M., after an incessant cannonade, they boldly pushed forward a large column from their right in the open field to carry Griffin's position. The fire of the three batteries was concen- trated upon them. Kingsbury's battery having been withdrawn for ammunition, was relieved by three guns of battery C, Rhode Island Artillery, and two guns (Allen's Fifth Massachusetts), under Captain Weeden. The attacking column kept on, continually reinforced, until within range of Griffin's Rifles, when it was stopped and formed line.

" From this time until 8 P. M. there was enacted one of the sublimest sights ever presented in war, resulting in a glorious victory to our arms."

General Porter, clearly in mistake as to the date of the commence- ment of the attack, putting it certainly an hour too late, says : " The same ominous silence which had preceded the attack in force at Games' Mill now intervened, lasting until about six o'clock, at which time the enemy (General John B. Magruder's corps) opened upon us suddenly with the full force of his artillery, and at once began to push forward his columns of infantry to the attack of our positions. Regiment after regiment, and sometimes whole brigades, were thrown against our batteries, but our infantry withheld their fire until they were within short distance (artillery mowing them down with canis- ter), dispersed the columns in every case, and in some instances followed the retiring mass, driving them with bayonet, capturing prisoners, and also flags and other trophies, some of which have been forwarded to your headquarters."

About sunset an advance is ordered, and we move forward to the next hill some seventy-five yards in our front, Colonel David A. Weisiger, the colonel of our regiment, gallantly leading it in the charge ; and from this new position we open fire upon the enemy. At this point occurred a little incident that I have often recalled. A colonel of some regiment who he was, or what his regiment, I never knew an elderly man, hair and beard very gray, was squatting among the men under the brow of the hill, where were a large num- ber of our regiment, all of us mixed up together, the enemy being very close at hand just over the hill the men rising to fire and resuming their squatting positions whilst loading. Being within a few feet of the old fellow, I heard him earnestly urging those near him