Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 18.djvu/93

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Sons of Confederate Veterans. 93

street's corps, Army of Northern Virginia; and, within the sequent week, like sepulture was accorded to Earle L. Jennings, private in Company H, Third regiment Georgia infantry, Sorrel's brigade, Anderson's division, A. P. Hill's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

On the 26th of October, with a generous sympathy and a sincere respect for which he who addresses you will ever remain profoundly grateful, you followed to the tomb her* whom you have complimented with honorary membership and with a special badge--who, loyal to every Confederate memory, cherished for this association an affection and an admiration which knew no abatement when her pure spirit was recalled by the Divine Master who gave it.

After a lingering illness, endured with singular fortitude, our comrade James A. Loflin, private in Company G, Fifteenth regiment Georgia infantry, Toomb's brigade, Hood's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia, who, for many years bore with composure the burthen of a severe wound encountered in the rage of battle, entered into rest. On the 3Oth of December, W. B. Kuhlke, First corporal of Company D, Twelfth battalion Georgia infantry, genial, and proud of his honorable scars received in the memorable engagement at Shiloh, was complimented with our final tokens of respect.

Lieutenant-Colonel William Peter Crawford, of the Twenty-eighth regiment Georgia infantry, Colquitt's brigade, Hoke's division, Army of Northern Virginia, died on the 13th of last January; and, on the following day, we were advised of the demise of our fellow member, Willinton Kushman, private in Company F, Sixth regiment South Carolina infantry, Jenkins' brigade, Kershaw's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. On the 2oth of March the earthly ties which bound us to our friend and comrade Ker Boyce major and quartermaster of Evans' brigade, Gordon's division, Early's corps, Army of Northen Virginia were sundered.

Within the past twelve-month the following prominent Confederates: Brigadier-General R. Lindsay Walker, of the Army of Northern Virginia; Brigadier-General M. L. Bonham, ex governor of South Carolina; the Honorable Beverly Tucker, of Virginia, erstwhile in the diplomatic service of the Confederacy; the Honorable Elias Boudinot, a Cherokee chief, lawyer, linguist, musician, politician, and delegate to the Confederate Congress; Major-General

  • Mrs. Charles C. Jones, Jr.