Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/159

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Stoneioall Jackson. 153

rent that had been sweeping before it the little band of Confederates in its path, when General Bee, the heroic son of the Palmetto State, who had been bearing the brunt of the battle, galloped up to him and exclaimed: "General, they are beating us back!" Jackson, calm and collected, but his eyes glistening beneath the rim of his old cadet cap, "replied: "Sir, we will not be beaten back. We will give them the bayonet." It was then that Bee, about to yield up his noble life, rushed back to his own shattered legions and rallied them by exclaiming: "Look, there stands Jackson like a stone wall. Rally behind the Virginians. Let us determine to die here and we shall conquer.' ' Bee fell a few moments later, but he had associated his name with one of deathless fame, and Thomas Jonathan Jackson was to be known henceforth as " Stonewall " Jackson.

" One of the few, the immortal names That were not born to die."

But this soubriquet of " Stonewall," though it has passed into his- tory and will cling to him forever, is really a very inappropriate desig- nation for this impetuous soldier, whose watchword was " Forward" or " Charge" rather than "Stand." " Cyclone," or " Tornado," or "Hurricane," would more appropriately index Jackson's character as a soldier.

There has been a hot dispute between General Pope and General Banks as to the responsibility for the opening of the battle of Cedar Run (Slaughter's Mountain), in Culpeper county, in the beginning of the Second Manassas campaign, but General J. A. Early could easily settle the question for them. I happened to be sitting on my horse near by when Colonel Pendleton, of Jackson's staff, rode up to General Early and, touching his hat, quietly said : "General Jack- son sends his compliments to General Early, and says advance on the enemy, and you will be supported by General Winder." " Gen- eral Early 's compliments to General Jackson, and tell him I will do it," was the laconic reply, and thus the battle opened. On the eve of another battle a staff officer rode up to General Jackson, and said : "General Ewell sends his compliments, and says he is ready." "General Jackson's compliments, and tell him to proceed," was the quiet reply. And soon the voice of the conflict was heard.

At Cold Harbor on that memorable 2yth of June, 1861, after he had gotten his corps in position, the great chieftain spent a few mo- ments in earnest prayer, and then said quietly to one of his staff: " Tell General Ewell to drive the enemy." Soon the terrible shock of battle was joined, and he sat quietly on his sorrel sucking a lemon