Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/181

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The Confederate Veterans. 1*75

the saddle almost every day for several years. He rode from Bis- marck, Dak., to the Canadian line in search of Sitting Bull; and officers on that tedious and tiresome expedition have told me that the general was always the freshest man in the command when nightfall called for a halt and camp.


Eloquent Appeal to Them, Their Friends and Their Descendants Ad- dress of General John B. Gordon Importance of Forming Camps for Preservation of Glorious Traditions and General Improvements.

The following is General John B. Gordon's address to the United Confederate Veterans and to all the ex-soldiers and sailors of the late Confederate States of America. It was published simultaneously all over the South, with the view of calling the attention of vete- rans in every Southern State to the importance of forming camps without delay, and of appealing to them to join the " Benevolent, Social and Historical" organization of United Confederate Veterans. Any details or information desired, copies of constitution or blanks wanted, will be promptly furnished by applying to General George Moorman, Adjutant-General and Chief- of- Staff, New Orleans, La.:


ATLANTA, GA. , September 3, 1889.

To the ex- Soldiers and Sailors of the Confederate States of America: The convention of delegates from the different States which assem- bled in New Orleans June 10, 1889, effected a general organization known as the "United Confederate Veterans." It is designed as an association of all the bodies of ex-Confederate veterans and sailors throughout the Union. The convention adopted a constitution and did me the great honor to elect me General, which position I accept with peculiar gratification. Preliminary to the issue of any orders I wish to call general attention to the objects of the Association and to enlist in their accomplishment the active co-operation not only of every survivor of Southern armies, but also that large contingent of sons of veterans, who, too young to have received the baptism of fire, have nevertheless received with you the baptism of suffering and of sac- rifice.