Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/185

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Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill.


every feature ; but with those who did not know him this omission to display the three stars often led to amusing blunders.

It was after we had chased " little Mack " to the cover of his gun- boats at Harrison's landing, and were returning to the lines around Richmond that one of these occurred. I had been directed by the quartermaster of the division (General J. G. Field, since Attorney- General of Virginia), to hold the wagon-train at a given point on the road until ordered forward by him. The train was halted and I placed a faithful sergeant at the head to allow it to move only when ordered by Major Field, while I and others rode off to a spring for water, in full view of the road and distant only a few hundred yards. As I had reached my turn at the dipper and drank I discovered the train in motion, and supposing all was right, but anxious to know our destination, I galloped rapidly to the road and found the sergeant somewhat nonplussed at what had taken place.


He said a courier came and told him to move the wagons on as there was an artillery train coming up behind. He told the courier the train was awaiting the orders of Major Field, and would go for- ward as soon as the Major said so. To this the courier replied Gen- eral Hill ordered the wagons forward, when the sergeant consentingly replied well if General Hill told you to order them forward all right, and the train was put in motion. The sergeant finding that I ap- proved of the course was much relieved, and we trotted off towards the head of the wagon train. Presently we came to a delightful shady grove just on the roadside, where a number of officers were resting their steeds and enjoying the refreshing breeze on a hot July day and a fearful dusty march. One of them I saluted and said : " Good morning, General," and exchanged a few words with the party and continued on.

The sergeant said in a subdued tone : " Didn't you call that man General?"

I said : " Yes ; that is General Hill."

To this he said he'd be " dad burned" if that wasn't the courier that told him to move the train forward.

And so it was ; but the General knew the sergeant did not recog- nize him and gave the order accordingly.


When at Gordonsville, before the engagement at Cedar Mountain, Major E. B. Hill, brother of the General, and commissary of the