Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/241

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The First North Carolina Volunteers.


shot from the howitzer. Before this a priming wire had been >roken in the vent of the howitzer commanded by Captain Brown,

id rendered it useless.

A force, estimated at fifteen hundred, was now attempting to out- lank us and get in the rear of Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart's small

>mmand. He was accordingly directed to fall back, and the whole >f our advanced troops were withdrawn. At this critical moment I lirected Lieutenant-Colonel Lee to call Captain Bridgers out of the

/amp, and ordered him to re- occupy the nearest advanced work,

id I ordered Captain Ross, Company C, First Regiment North 'arolina Volunteers, to the support of Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart, 'hese two captains with their companies crossed over to Randolph's

ittery under a most heavy fire, in a most gallant manner. As ,ieutenant-Colonel Stuart had withdrawn, Captain Ross was detained it the church, near Randolph's battery. Captain Bridgers, however,

rossed over and drove the Zouaves out the advanced howitzer bat- r , and re-occupied it. It is impossible to over-estimate this ser- nce. It decided the action in our favor.

In obedience to orders from Colonel Magruder, Lieutenant-Colo- lel Stuart marched back, and in spite of the presence of a foe ten imes his superior in number, resumed in the most heroic manner

ssession of his intrenchments. A fresh howitzer was carried across ind placed in the battery, and Captain Avery, of Company G, was lirected to defend it at all hazards.

We were now as secure as at the beginning of the fight, and as ret had no man killed. The enemy finding himself foiled on our right flank, next made his final demonstration on our left. A strong column, supposed to consist of volunteers from different regiments,

id under command of Captain Winthrop, aide-de-camp to General

Sutler, crossed over the creek and appeared at the angle on our left.

'hose in advance had put on our distinctive badge of a white band iround the cap, and they cried out repeatedly, "Don't fire." This

ise was practiced to enable the whole column to get over the creek md form in good order. They now began to cheer most lustily,

linking that our work was open at the gorge, and that they could jet in by a sudden rush. Companies B and C, however, dispelled the illusion by a cool, deliberate, and well-directed fire. Colonel Magruder sent over portions of Companies G, C, and H of my regi- ment to our support, and now began as cool firing on our side as was ever witnessed.