Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/252

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246 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Major Lane received a complimentary vote for colonel, and was elected lieutenant-colonel almost unanimously. He is deservedly the most popular man, perhaps, in the regiment, and is every way worthy the honor conferred by his promotion. He possesses the necessary qualifications to make an officer the idol of his men, viz. : theory and practice of military science, firmness in discipline, with the affable manners and sociality of a gentleman. The Peninsula war has developed a great deal of fine talent, and in no man more than in Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Lane.

"Camp Fayetteville" is about six miles below Yorktown, named in honor of the ladies of Fayetteville, North Carolina, who pre- sented the First Regiment Volunteers with a handsome flag. The presentation was made by a young gentleman from Fayetteville in a set speech; but, in nearly his own words, " Old Virginny tangle-leg " had so mixed his ideas, that the flag had to speak for itself, which it did most gallantly, by flaunting its beautiful folds against the breeze. All honor to the ladies ; bless their souls.

Sickness abating rapidly, and preparations going on to stop the career of the Yankees. Hill and his brigade will make their marks.

The officers of our regiment have made up a purse of $225 for the old lady who brought us valuable information on the morning of the Bethel fight.

X. Y. Z.


[The writer of the following, the Rev. R. C. Foute, participated in the scenes he so vividly depicts as a midshipman on the "Virginia."]

Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Hip-hip, hurrah ! from thousands of throats. With waving handkerchiefs, and the wildest shouts of joy, and mad delight the battle-scarred " Virginia " steamed slowly back to her moorings at the Gosport Navy-yard, after her famous encounter with the United States fleet in Hampton Roads on that ever-memorable gth of March, 1862. No conqueror of ancient Rome ever enjoyed a prouder triumph than that which greeted us. The whole populace swarmed out into the streets, and packed the wharves, while hun- dreds of boats flying the " Stars and Bars," and tugs and steamers innumerable filled the harbor ; and the batteries on shore thundered