Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/273

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Mrs. Henrietta H. Morgan. 267

[From the Louisville, Ky., Courier Journal, September 9, 1891.]


The death of Mrs. Henrietta H. Morgan, of Lexington, which occurred in that city on Monday, September 7, 1891, removes from life a woman who, while not having an eventful career, as the world goes, nevertheless exercised a great influence in Kentucky history. Had she lived until December she would have been eighty-six years of age. She was always a healthy woman, but for the last few years had not been in good health. The immediate cause of her death was a stroke oi paralysis, which, had it not been for a more than usually enfeebled condition, would probably have affected her but little.

Mrs. Morgan was the daughter of Mr. John W. Hunt, of Lexington, who was one of Kentncky's most prosperous merchants, and the first man in the State to accumulate a fortune of one million dollars. At his death he left a large estate to be divided among a large family. Mr. A. D. Hunt, formerly a banker in Louisville, but later of New Orleans; Colonel Thomas H. Hunt, once a leading merchant here; Dr. Robert Hunt, formerly of Louisville, but later of New Orleans, and Frank K. Hunt, of Lexington, were her brothers. Mrs. Hanna, of Frankfort; Mrs. Strother, of St. Louis; Mrs. Reynolds, of Frank- fort, were her sisters. The latter was the mother of J. W. Hunt Rey- nolds, the once noted turfman and horse owner.

Her children numbered six sons and two daughters. One of the daughters was the wife of General A. P. Hill, of Virginia, and the other married General Basil W. Duke, of this city. Her sons were General John H. Morgan, Calvin C., Richard C., Charlton H., Thomas H. and Frank H. Morgan. All of them, and her two sons- in-law, entered the Confederate army, and of the number her most famous son, General John H. Morgan, Tom Morgan and General Hill were killed in battle, or rather the great cavalry leader was shot down at Greenville, Tenn., after surrender. All the others were wounded at various times, and all weie prisoners during the course of the war. Tom was but seventeen years old when he enlisted in the Second Kentucky Infantry at Camp Boone. He was trans- ferred from that regiment to the command of his brother, the gen- eral, and was but nineteen years old when he was killed. Frank,