Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/278

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272 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Therefore, be it

Resolved, first. That in the death of General William Henry Fitzhugh Lee, Virginia and the whole South mourn the loss of a soldier and citizen of whose character and career, in war and in peace, they are justly proud and will ever strive to honor.

Secondly. That in his death this Association has lost a comrade who most worthily filled its highest office ; one whose dignity of character, modesty and real nobility of soul commanded our venera- tion and esteem, and who in the administration of his office so at- tached to him those associated with him as to make them feel in his death the loss of a dear friend.

Third. That these resolutions be spread on our minutes and pub- lished, and that a copy be forwarded to the family of General Lee with the assurance of our deepest sympathies in their and our com- mon bereavement.

The committee who drafted the above resolutions were : Messrs. George L. Christian, chairman; Dabney H. Maury, William B. Talia- ferro.


At the same meeting, on motion of Mr. Micajah Woods, a com- mittee of three was appointed to prepare resolutions to the memory of General A. L. Long, who reported the following :

The undersigned committee, appointed to prepare resolutions to the memory of General Long, respectfully report as follows :

Resolved, That in the death of Brigadier- General Armistead Lind- say Long, which occurred at his home in Charlottesville, Va. , April 29, 1891, this Association lost one of its most distinguished and able members, and the South one of its most loyal, gifted and gallant defenders.

Resolved, That we recognize in General Long a character too re- markable to be disposed of by the mere commonplace resolutions which so often answer the demands of duty on such an occasion as this, and wishing to give expression to our emotions we desire to so emphasize them by reference to history that future generations may learn from the minutes of this meeting something of the life and public services of our deceased comrade and friend.

Resolved, That as soon as the South was threatened by invasion from the North in 1861, General Long resigned the commission which he held in the army of the Union, and accepted service in the army of the Confederate States, which was then being organized for