Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/287

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Roll of the Stuart Horse Artillery. 281

ridge at the battles of Stone's river in front of Murfreesboro in De- cember, 1862, and January, 1863, conducting himself in such a way as to win the thanks of his commander, who says in his re- port : " I cannot close without expressing my obligations to the gentlemen of my staff. This is no formal acknowledgment. I can never forget that during all the operations they were ever prompt and cheerful by night and day in conveying orders, conducting to their positions regiments and brigades, rallying troops on the field, and, indeed, in the discharge of every duty. It gives me plea- sure to name Colonel O'Hara." Several others are specially men- tioned by General Breckinridge.

At the close of the war Colonel O'Hara returned to Alabama, and for a time engaged in business, in which he seems to have been suc- cessful but a fire swept away his accumulations. He kept up bravely against adversities, but did not again get much of a start. He died near Guerryton, Bullock county, Ala., June 6, 1867. In 1872 his remains were removed to Frankfort, Ky. , in accordance with a reso tion of the Kentucky State Legislature, and now repose near the re- mains of those in whose honor he wrote " The Bivouac of the Dead." A monument has been erected over his grave, on which is inscribed the first stanza of that celebrated poem. He is held in kind remem- brance by the people of his native State, who are justly proud of him, not only on account of his integrity as a soldier, but on account of the lasting fame of his matchless verses. He was a true and faithful man, sincere and just in every respect. General Albert G. Brackett, U. S. A. , in Louisville Courier- Journal, August,



The first commander of the famous Stuart Horse Artilery, was the gallant John Pelham, subsequently known as the ** Boy Major" the "bravest of the brave."

The roll has been kindly furnished by Mr. J. C. Smith, of Rich- mond, Va., formerly Bugler of the battery, who prepared it from memory in 1883. Whilst it is to be regretted that the roll is not a perfect one, yet in the absence of such, it merits preservation. Per- haps its publication may elicit a perfect roll.