Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/342

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336 Southern Historical Society Papers.

There was also a subsequent special meeting, called by the Presi- dent of the Society, General Early, of those who had enrolled them- selves as members. This meeting was in session two days Satur- day, September 18, and Monday, September 20, 1873. At these meetings the Secretary, Colonel George Wythe Munford, not being present, his son, General Thomas T. Munford, acted as Secretary.



Georgia's Confederate pension system, under which disabled vete- rans receive from two to twenty-five dollars per month, according to the disability, is highly creditable to that State, but it should accept and maintain its soldiers' home in order to complete the good work. It will be of interest to review the situation in other Southern States.

Virginia led in the movement and established a Confederate home near Richmond, for the support of which the State expends ten thou- sand dollars a year. It now appears to be the intention of the State Assemby to increase the appropriation to thirty thousand dollars. Pensions to the amount of five thousand dollars annually, are also paid.

Alabama has no home, but pays one hundred and twenty-five thou- sand dollars a year in pensions.

Arkansas has a home at Little Rock, built by private subscriptions, supported uy State aid.

Florida has no home, but pays thirty thousand dollars a year to disabled Confederates who have resided in the State fifteen years.

Mississippi is without a home, but has made liberal provisions for indigent and disabled Confederates.

Missouri pays no pensions, but a movement is on foot to raise one hundred thousand dollars to endow a home without State aid.

Maryland has a home costing forty thousand dollars near Balti- more, aided by the State to the extent of ten thousand dollars an- nually.

Louisiana has a home near New Orleans, and the State grants it ten thousand dollars a year.

North Carolina not only pays pensions, but has appropriated forty- one thousand dollars for a home.