Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/395

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Lees Birthday. 389

defeat after defeat upon the Army of the Potomac, until Grant's losses exceeded 80,000 men killed and wounded. More than 20,000 sleep in the great cemetery at Fredericksburg. Yet Grant held his army to its work until he gained his final base of operations upon the James.

Metz was the strongest fortress in the world. It was garrisoned by a great army. Yet in a few weeks it surrendered with its army, and destroyed the cause of France.

In the great war between the States, Fort Sumter was captured in one day by us. It was occupied by the First South Carolina Regi- ment. For more than four years that garrison held it under an in- cessant bombardment and many assaults. They repulsed every assault. They defeated every attack of the ironclad fleets of the United States. During the last two years more than 46,000 projec- tiles of the heavy artillery were thrown into the fort. For one week of that defence every gun was dismounted, and the whole fort was reduced to a mass of bricks and mortar; but those gallant men, who ever refused to be relieved by any other troops, reconstructed their fort, put up sand bags and the debris better than it ever had been, remounted their guns, and began again to work upon their enemy. Their flag in the four years was cut down more than thirty times, but it was instantly restored by some gallant fellow who sprung upon the parapet, restored it again, and waved his hat to the enemy.

After more than four years, the last hope of the Confederacy being dead forever, these men, under orders of their chief, lowered their torn banner and left their example to mankind.

In view of these facts Europe should pause before making war upon us, and we should halt before ever again we make war upon each other.



The Second Public Observance of the Anniversary of the Birth of Robert E. Lee.

The anniversary of the birth of General Robert Edward Lee, was again observed throughout Virginia, on January igth, 1892. In many of the cities and towns there were military parades, (despite of