Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/406

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400 Southern Historical Society Papers.

And men by time made wise shall in the future see

No name hath risen, or e'er shall rise, like the name of Robert Lee.

Dead ! but his spirit breathes ! Dead ! but his heart is ours!

Dead ! but his sunny, sad land wreathes his crown with tears of flowers.

But he has a thousand graves, in a thousand hearts, I ween,

And teardrops fall from our eyes in waves that will keep his memory green.

Ah ! muse, you dare not claim a nobler man than he.

Nor nobler man hath less of blame,

Nor blameless man has purer name,

Nor purer name hath grander fame,

Nor fame another Lee.


At the close of Mr. Ray's address there were loud calls for Judge Farrar, who in a most feeling speech moved that the camps tender the speaker a vote of thanks for his noble address, which was done by a rising vote.

Mayor Ellyson tendered the thanks of the camps to the public, and especially to the ladies present, for the encouragement they had given the memorial exercises; after which the meeting was dismissed with a benediction from Rev. Dr. Tudor.

The Committee on Hall were Messrs. E. C. Crump, Charles P. Big- ger and Charles T. Loehr. The ushers were Messrs. James T. Gray, Ryland Norvell and M. Jones.


Over two hundred old veterans, a number of members of the First Virginia regiment and many invited guests assembled at the Regi- mental Armory last evening to enjoy the banquet given by Lee and Pickett Camps in honor of the anniversary of the birth of the be- loved General Robert E. Lee.

After the battle of knives and forks had ceased the following toasts were responded to: "The Day we Celebrate," Colonel A. S. Bu- ford; "The Legislature," Senator H. G. Peters; "Pickett Camp," Dr. Eggleston; "Lee Camp," Captain J. B. McKinney; "Rich- mond," Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson; "The Undying Fame of Lee" was to have been responded to by Rev. Dr. M. D. Hoge, but he was unavoidably absent, consequently the speech was made in an excel- lent manner by Hon. F. R. Farrar. " The Incomparable Infantry of the Army of Northern Virginia," Hon. J. M. Hudgins' of Caroline county; " First Virginia Regiment," Colonel Henry C. Jones; songs